MovieChat Forums > Road to Perdition (2002) Discussion > Arguably the *worst* movie in cinema his...

Arguably the *worst* movie in cinema history

Three of Hollywood's softest actors are thrown together into one of the dullest stories in cinema history, playing pseudo-subtle maffiosi. Mob man's family gets killed by his own clan, and the man takes revenge! It's quite fantastic to see Tommy Soft & Serious Hanks playing a tormented maffioso who has to choose between mob loyalty and family (you feel the tension). Add teddy bear Jude Law as a nasty assassin (I couldn't stop laughing), and Paul Newman as the Godfather (can you imagine?), and we have the perfect ingredients for a laugh-kick. Since there is no plot, we must stick to discussing the merits of using perfect-son-in-law actors as gangsters. No workie.

I often wondered whether this movie was intended as a comedy, but the more moralistic the story got, the more I understood that Tom Hanks (the moralist of all moralists) must have had the brilliant idea of using himself to prove that maffiosi do have feelings too.

Besides deserving an Oscar for worst cast in history, I urge technically minded individuals to investigate whether my DVD laserhead simply spinned too sloooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwly, or whether Mendes was actually serious about this wicked tempo. Awful movies often have a reason to be called awful. This one is too empty to have reasons.


shonagon, you're a *beep* idiot.


Yeah, I'm sure the OP split several years go. I'm pretty sure those insults will go unheeded. But anyways, it doesn't matter, I agree. This was a great film. Being loosely based on two real life father and son gangsters, John and Connor Looney, makes it interesting as the movie is losely based on real events. Great cast, music, direction, very good and underrated film. Paul Newman should've won the Best Supporting Oscar for this, he was great. Good film for him to retire on, at least onscreen acting.

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the path less traveled by.




I don't believe in classifications 'the worst'/'the best' but I do agree with you that this movie is hugely overrated. Even the cinematography and the music score which are highly praised for unknown reasons, are among the weakest points of the film: their biggest flaw is the very fact that they are way too conspicuous and dominating the film. And this movie is in fact very slow, without any other reason for that, except for giving yet more space for T. Newman’s tedious score! What this film mostly lacks is a sense of measure and taste. It is over all a bad movie, very close to being Kitsch.



Arguably the *worst* movie in cinema history

Arguably the *worst* post I have ever read.

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i totally agree



I disagree with the OP. Hardly the worst movie in cinema history. I suppose it's within the realm of possibility that the OP actually thinks this is the worst movie ever, but I find his/her claim quite disingenuous given the amount of crap out there. Even if I hated Road to Perdition, it wouldn't even come close to being the worst movie ever. The OP is entitled to his/her opinion, but the use of hyperbole - "worst movie ever", "dullest story", "worst cast" - obviously riled up some people, which is a trollish thing to do.
