If Hal really loved Rosemary, he'd encourage her to lose weight
Not to make her look good, to prevent her from dying of a heart attack when she's 50.
shareNot to make her look good, to prevent her from dying of a heart attack when she's 50.
shareMaybe with her finding love, she might find the motivation within herself. Of course, her genetics will be working against her..
shareGenetics? She eats too much and exercises too little. "Genetics" is an excuse to relieve her of responsibility and make her feel okay about being fat.
shareNope, can’t lose weight. Bad genetics. Why bother trying?
shareGenetics? She eats too much and exercises too little. "Genetics" is an excuse to relieve her of responsibility and make her feel okay about being fat.
Yes, some people might be more genetically predisposed to not having chiseled muscular athletic physiques, but weight is caused by calories-in/calories-out. This includes calories you put into your body versus the amount of calories you burn in a day through physical exercise and living life. People who are obese don't have "bad genetics", they just eat far more than they burn.
In your example of "three egg cheese omelette, but I had whole wheat toast ordered dry and subbed a fruit cup for the home fries", you probably ate around 1000-1200 calories, which is a lot for one meal. I'm willing to btet you don't burn enough in your cardio. It is scientifically impossible to be 300 lb and not eat. To be 300 lb, you actually have to work extra hard to eat a consistent amount of high calories.
It's hard work, no doubt. But I've been obese and I've had a six pack. When I was obese, I ate fast food meals 4-5 times a week, ate at a local Chinese buffet typically once a week, smothered everything in oil and ranch dressing, I drank tones of alcohol, had at least two Monsters a day, went over a year without ever stepping foot into a gym, and got little cardio. Then I blamed it all on bad genes, just like you. I had no idea that one of those Monsters contained 2 daysworth of recommended sugar intake, that one fast food meal probably had 2000 calories alone, that a buffet plate had 2500 calories alone, ranch is some of the most calorically dense foods you can eat. Did you know a bottle of Jack Daniels has 1500 calories??? That shocked me.
Then I had a wakeup call and began walking everyday. I ditched fast food and blacklisted the buffet (writing this, I haven't gone to a buffet in 5 years). I began bike riding and slowly returned to the gym. I replaced Monsters with zero calory, zero sugar energy drinks like Ghost, Alani, or Bang. No alcohol, except parties. I dropped 80 lb in a year. I've had ups and downs but I've never been obese since that change, and was fit enough to compete in competitive college athletics.
It's all possible.
In your example of "three egg cheese omelette, but I had whole wheat toast ordered dry and subbed a fruit cup for the home fries", you probably ate around 1000-1200 calories, which is a lot for one meal.
and I splurged:. Not only did I splurge, I really splurged because I don't eat breakfast - or lunch. I have't eaten breakfast in 6 years and stopped eating lunch about a year and a half ago because my weight started sneaking up - something that happens as people start approaching 70.
The idea was to accept her for who she is.
shareWe got people Like Ashley Graham and the instagram Model Lateica Thomas who are knckouts. love doesn't need to be about weight
shareyou have to take into account that the two models you mentioned have drop dead gorgeous faces & against all odds, are able to retain a thinnish face despite their weight gain,
sometimes what separates a "fat" woman from still being attractive is a double chin & fat cell accumulation in her facial features
Not every bigger woman is like how Paltrow is depicted,these movies take far with jokes and stereotypes when it comes bigger women.
shareIn the present day, where does Lizzo fit into all of this? pardon the pun.
shareI could see Hal, wanting to be healthier, start dieting and exercising, and Rosemary, inspired, decides to do it, too. They both love each other for who they are, but they both want to be healthy, and live a long and Happy life together for their future kids, should they have/want any.