MovieChat Forums > The Animal (2001) Discussion > The Greatest Film Ever!

The Greatest Film Ever!

The Animal was considered to be the most groundbreaking film ever to be made

With a captivating storyline which was not only funny but also caused much emotional conflict between the characters, the animal is now remembered by all as "The Film that changed the movie industry".

Rob Schneider is at his best and his performanced badly deserved an oscar with his role as the misunderstood wannabe cop. He has now been compared with the likes of tom Hanks and Sir Ian McKellen.

The direction and the superior special effects set new standards for the genre, one that has not been beaten yet and is not likely to in the near future.

Really this film needs no introduction and there was great outrage when the film did not win any awards at the oscars.


This is just utterly brilliant. The poster actually made time to write a sarcastic post with no meaning what so ever. Excellent. I love it. 52" yet no girlfriend.


are you *beep* me.
this film was awful.
i wouldnt even dare putting the word oscar in a sentance with this film.
and its hardly groundbreaking.
its balls


I think you have missed the point of ‘The Animal’ completely. It is truly brilliant.

First off there is Schneider himself, with the acrobatic dexterous slapstick genius that is only equalled by Keaton and Chaplin while his characterisation of a failing, loser, police office evidence clerk is the equal to any performance put in by Brando, Olivia, Hopkins or Curry.

The production values, while not overly high, portray an attention to detail unrivalled by any feature length, live action, slapstick, animal based comedy that came out that year. Whilst the script is as cutting and contemporary as anything produced by a Hollywood studio, the directing demonstrates a brilliance that a comedy (even of this calibre) rarely get the luxury of having.

The over loud animal noises, the nob gags, the bum gags, the brilliant juxtaposing of ‘funny’ animal related physical jokes and human social events that on the face of it a 7 year old could have wrote but in reality could only have been penned by a genius.

The plot is brilliant, inspired and in places truly emotional. (I don’t want to spoil this truly great movie so don’t read on if you haven’t seen it).

Mourning the loss of his father, Marvin has to come to terms with his inability to find a companion and his spiralling out of control lack of self confidence. Ostracised by his work colleagues, ritually abused by his neighbour (and her viscous dog) and devoid of any and all satisfaction personally and professionally. Its to this backdrop that Marvin suffers a hideous debilitating car accident but is miraculously saved by having his DNA spliced with an unknown amount of domesticated animal DNA and having some body part replacement.

The movie covers politically hot topics such as whether using animal DNA in humans is acceptable, the ethics of breeding animals for body parts, the threat of hunting on animal populations and the cost of animal conservation, that cannibalism is acceptable and that bestiality is…ok. This is not to mention the exploration between god, man and animal and the questions regarding animal consciousness.

This is apart form the everyday elements of work place rivalry, racism, fatism, sexism, gun control, murder, meat eating and monkey jokes.

On a personal level, I have watched this movie 1000 times and have yet to not find it funny, I literarily end up doubled up in pain, crying.....with laughter its just that good. I challenge anyone to get through this movie and not laugh at one joke, its not possible. Brilliant brilliant brilliant.

The bit where the scientist suggest Marvin get rid of his latent aggression fuelled by his sexul urge by sleeping with a chimpanzee in a pink tutu is possibly the funniest thing I have ever seen in my life!! If you don’t laugh at this movie your just dead inside.

Mr Schneider we salute you another fantastic movie, lets hope he ignores the billions of ignorant critics, the unjust reviews and the failing box office returns and goes on to make the animal 2 and 3. Brilliant!


I pity your life.


Your name isn't David Manning, is it?


lol are we talking about the same movie? Its was funny and everything but the way you talk about i sounds like a masterpiece

