did data really die

did data really die or was it B4 that went on the other ship?


Every single character who uses a transporter dies when they use it.
A copy is made at the new location, and the original is killed by the transporter.
So you could say Data just "transported" into B4.


That theory really puts a downer on the whole franchise. Hopefully that problem was corrected by the 23rd century.


did data really die or was it B4 that went on the other ship?

It is revealed in the comic book prequel to Star Trek 2009 called "Star Trek: Countdown" that Dat not only lives in the B4 body, but becomes Captain of the USS Enterprise when Picard retires and becomes Ambassador to Vulcan.

That comic book series is considred to be official cannon by Paramount Studios by the way.

You should check it out.

