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Three Simple Explanations Why TNG Films Sucked

Unimagintive and repetitive writing. Cheap and recycled sets. Tired and aging actors.


In the long run, the problem with TNG films has always been like this: except for Generations, they simply don't feel like they're part of the Next Generation series, but rather some grandious reboot.

Granted, Generations is my least favorite movie of all time (God I truly HATE that movie), but it does at least feel like a (very bad) episode of TNG. First Contact is great, but it simply feels like too much had changed far too soon. Furthermore, the monster movie Borg that's been used post-First Contact--while truly looking like some demonic creature---lack the zombie monotonous nature of the Borg from the TV shows, and as a result, we lost what made the Borg so terrifying.
By the time we got to Insurrection and Nemesis, the whole essence of what we came to know and love about TNG had been completely re-written.

By contrast, not only do the TOS films feel very much like a natural extension of the series, but they're also far more believable as to what happened to TOS series characters in their latter years.


The biggest issue was giving the TV production team influence and direct involvement with making the movies THAT was Paramount's biggest mistake.

It's really unfortunate TNG deserved better if only the Execs at Paramount had the patients for at least 2 years after the series end.


Red Letter Media did the best video deconstructions of why all 4 films sucked. But the main recurring problem is that Picard was written as a different character in the movies as opposed to the show. He became something of a violent psychopathic renegade, something he never was on the show.
