Liposuction alibi

Assuming Brooke the fitness guru was immediately arrested on suspicion of murder, law enforcement would've gone over her entire body looking for signs of a confrontation. Liposuction causes massive bruising and I'm assuming there'd be stitches from where they inserted the ol' vacuum hose, so she would've had to tell L.E. right then and there what all that mess was about. I'm also doubting she drove herself home from the procedure...she likely would've needed someone to accompany her, so she shouldn't have been alone when she walked in the door and discovered her dead husby. She may have even needed to be in a wheelchair depending on the extent of her procedure! So she wouldn't have been standing over his body.


I don't remember the movie, but I just recently saw the musical, and she specifically stated it was "non-invasive" surgery.


Given what Brooke already looks like, the liposuction was probably minor and in a spot unlikely to be "searched" or studied, like her upper thighs or lower belly

There'd be no reason for a full-body search in a gunshot homicide case.
