MovieChat Forums > Legally Blonde (2001) Discussion > Kelly Bundy could have been the Blonde

Kelly Bundy could have been the Blonde

Christina Applegate had the chance to bend and snap as Elle Woods in Legally Blonde.

She "got scared" of the role that was eventually made famous by Reese Witherspoon in the hit 2001 comedy.

"The script came along my way and it was right after I had just finished, Married With Children, and it was a blonde who in that first script didn't win it but ends up going to Yale, or Harvard, I don't remember," Applegate revealed. "I got scared of kind of repeating myself."


She could have played the part very well, me thinks.



Kelly was waay dumber then Elle.


Christina Applegate migh have been able too, but she is older than Reece. People might have complained that she was to old.


It's not like she had an acting career after MWC anyway so she might as well have just taken the part!


Eh, if anything I would have liked to seen Christina in a better sequel as either a friend or family member of Elle's. That Role was meant for Reese Witherspoon. I wouldn't change a thing about the original.
