Unsimulated Sex

I was watching Killing me softly, and during the sex scene, I noticed something pretty interesting...so I paused it, and if you freeze frame the part where Heather Graham is on top of John fiennes, it appears that he is in fact having actual sex with her, there seems to be a silhouette of his penis entering her.
I know this is kind of a stange thing to post on, but I just noticed it randomly, and I wondered if anyone else has. Anyone know anything about this?

Film was mediocre over all.


Oh it's real. Check this: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001212/news

Heather Graham's Screen Romps With Joseph Fiennes
28 January 2002 (WENN)
Heather Graham refused to wear a "modesty pouch" while filming steamy sex scenes with Joseph Fiennes for a new movie. The protective pouches have become a staple in Hollywood to help actors avoid genital contact but the stunning star says she felt comfortable enough to be naked with the British star. She says, "Yeah, we had to be naked. But I felt really trusting of Joseph. We were both nervous and felt very vulnerable, but we liked and trusted the director and each other. You wouldn't want to do those scenes with an actor thinking he might take advantage of the situation." Killing Me Softly features a series of love scenes between the pair but Heather says there's nothing gratuitous going on. She says, "It's about the passion these two people have for each other, and how that passion becomes twisted."


If they really had sex then there would be no need for Heather Graham to trust him not to do that. The fact that she said she trusted him proves they did not.



Think you are right, can't imagine what else this could be!



he definetly not having sex her


"he definetly not having sex her"

He sure aint

Me = SangReal


I don't know if they are or not.

One part really looks like they are and the other part makes it seem like she's ghostriding.

Decide for yourself.




Whether he is or he isn't, he SHOULD be :D


I hear SOME actresses.actors if they fell comfortable with their co-star then they much rather just have sex.


I've reviewed the footage and heard from both sides of the issue. I call offsides on Mr. Finnes and holding on Ms. Graham -- no penalty.

Translated: I think he falls out when she sits up. They can't stop the scene (they're actors), so they pretend from there on. So everybody's right.

It's just a shame her arm gets in the way. I wonder if there was any cutting-room footage that will never be seen.


haha! come on ppl they are actors.. n they are doing real sex for sure..!



I doubt very much the sex is real.

The scenes between Fiennes and Graham were ludicrous and they were both dreadful. Some of the worst acting I've ever seen.

The only sex scene with any honesty about it was the one between Alice and her soon to be dumped boyfriend, Jake.

Jason Hughes mentioned in an interview that he found the scene, "horrible, really difficult" to do. Some actors aren't comfortable with sex scenes no matter how many times they do them.

Hughes doesn't strike me as someone who would be "doing it" for real.


Ummm... honestly, why does it matter? How old are you people?


I've only seen the "edited for tv" version so I don't know. but, I did notice the same thing in monster's ball. it really made me mad when halle won the oscar when she simulated sex, or did she? pause it when they're on the floor, in front of the couch.

"nuttier than a 20 pound Christmas fruit cake"


by ebhead (Thu May 7 2009 02:17:24)
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I've only seen the "edited for tv" version so I don't know. but, I did notice the same thing in monster's ball. it really made me mad when halle won the oscar when she simulated sex, or did she? pause it when they're on the floor, in front of the couch.

"nuttier than a 20 pound Christmas fruit cake"

Are you for real? She should not have won because she wasn't actually having sex? Are you challenged? In your odd way of thinking, no actor should win because they "aren't" the people they are playing.

forgotten...and don't you forget it


If you watch the clip here http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1muar_heather-graham-sex-scene_sexy you can see that the shadow is also a part of her pubic hair and at one point you can clearly see there's no cock in her.


I heard from a friend of a friend of a friend who worked on the set of this masterpiece that Joseph Fiennes Jr. was born nine months after his father was thrusting into Heather Graham in this film so maybe you are on to something.


Clearly not real. People who think it is need to get their head out of the gutter.

