I nearly died.

Yeah, as the name suggests, I nearly died whilst watching this film.
I kept having to turn it on and off because the suspense was making my body hurt.

It's too good.
Then again, I think i get too emotionally involved with films...


Suspense? Have you never seen a romantic comedy before? In all but extreme cases the two protaganists are together at the end. The key to enjoying one is to simply pretend you don't know for sure that it's coming. This is the first I've heard of someone actually being in doubt of the way it will turn out (excepting those who truly are watching a rom-com for the first or second time).


OrigPost: "I nearly died whilst watching this film.
I kept having to turn it on and off because the suspense was making my body hurt."
I have read the whole thread and realized that, uhh, the OP was not being sarcastic. The OP actually felt great suspense watching this movie?
I'd guess the OP might not enjoy a film like The Departed, for example; no suspense at all, it's totally predictable.

