I agree to all this! Especially highschool Heathers era Paris. I always found her vile whenever she would hatch some scheme against Rory and make Brad her personal punching bag. She definitely had some issues then, but I wouldn't even call her sometimes self absorbed and cruel behaviour narcissism because her personality drastically changed later on. She became sympathetic, but still 'tough love'. She got better in college and much of her brutal honesty was played for laughs and not nearly as bad as it was when she was younger. But at Chilton I detested her. She was the only character I hated then and I'm surprised people feel this way about Jess and not Paris who was definitely abusive to Rory. Rory had to constantly prove to Paris that she was on her side, that she was her friend and not out to get her. And Paris definitely took pleasure in trying to bring Rory down.
Jess never went out of his way to cause Rory pain, and no one's saying he can't help acting the way he is because of his uprbringing, we're just bringing that up for context. Just because we like Jess's character doesn't mean we condone abusive relationships or just like the fact that he's a 'bad boy' which again I think diminishes the fact that he's not just a bad boy, but that he's had bad life experiences. I will never understand the vitriol this character receives and I won't try to, but I really hate some of the assumptions that Jess fans get because we find him to be an interesting and engaging character. Not boyfriend. Not nephew. Not underwear model. Character.
The last time I tried to express my dislike for a Rory boyfriend someone called me superficial and shallow and got weirdly angry at me about a fictional character and while that is pretty tame as far as internet insults go, it is not that serious to me that we should go about name calling strangers.(Personally, I try to be kind to people on the internet, because I don't know what kind of day they are having or what sort of thing will really upset them,but that's just me. 😏) So I think Dean's chokers and lame haircut is stupid, whatever, that's how I feel.( I could have brought up the extramarital affair...) At least I didn't call him a narcissist and told the fans they had a bad boy fetish. You're all entitled to say stuff like that, of course, but I just find it overreaching and ridiculous. Why can't we just say things are as they are instead of looking for a way to demonize and psycho analyze characters and their fans to prove some point that they are inferior.
Wildcattin'...Wildcattin'. Pow! I'm gonna go.