MovieChat Forums > Gilmore Girls (2000) Discussion > 101 times Lorelai Gilmore was completely...

101 times Lorelai Gilmore was completely out of line.

Let's not lie here, Lorelai Gilmore was no saint while she was loving, devoted to her daughter and hardworking she was also vindictive, self-centered and emotionally unstable. There were times watching the show when I just sat back and wondered "how can someone act like this?"

1) The time she freaked out when she found out Rory actually applied to more than one school (*Gasp* the horror!)
2) When she yelled at Luke for bringing Jess to Stars Hollow after the car accident (Sure, she's a mother bear but she was awful)
3)When she yelled at Luke for moving out and not telling her



9) When she breaks into Luke's house to steal his answering machine tape after leaving that crying message begging him to come over.

10) When she refused to let Luke have some time to sort everything out with April and insisted that they get married right away.


11. Her behaviour at the bank with her mother when she needed a loan for the termite problem. I know everything that involves the elder Gilmores in her life comes with strings as thick as piano wire, but the loan officer didn't need to be brought into their drama. She did not act like a grown up then.

12. Her handling of her relationship with Jason: keeping it a secret from her parents, going after her father for his cuthroat business move because it hurt Jason, then unceremoniously dumping Jason because he fought back. She took it all personally and freaked out self righteously at everybody when none of it was about her at all.

13. Her shenanigans trying to get her parents to admit they had separated by forcing them into the honeymoon suite rather than doing something mature like arranging to meet her mother for coffee, present her evidence and ask what's going on.

I'm sure I can think of more if I try. I love watching Lorelai and I think Lauren Graham did an amazing job portraying all of her complexities, but, yes, she was often wrong and unaware of some of the hypocrisy in her choices.


Most of those, along with her behavior at the Thanksgiving dinner, demonstrate what other people have mentioned on other threads. In many ways, Lorelai stopped maturing at 16. Yes she learned to make a life for herself and was an adult in many ways. However, in many instances she still acts 16. She demands that her parents treat her like an adult yet refuses to behave like one in many situations involving them.


When she agrees to egg Jess's car (she was not being the adult in that situation), some of her fights with Emily and the treatment towards her (they're both at fault, but sometimes the way Lorelai treated her made me cringe). Also how she acts like she and Rory are in a bubble above everyone else and that they can have inside jokes and openly mock other people right in front of them. Also, her attitudes towards being overweight (making fun of fat women on tv and talking with rory in a scene about how like the worst thing to ever happen would be for one of them to be fat), her saying gigi needed discipline but when it came to rory, rory could do no wrong and that lead to some very negative personality traits in Rory as she got older, her treatment of Luke and Christopher both were not fair at times, etc. etc. etc.

"Chaos is what killed the dinosaurs, darling."


For me hands down, it would be when Lorelei is introduced to Penilyn Lotts and right there in front of her parents, she tells Penilyn that she is her almost mommy. I cringed every time I see that scene! To say that at all is awful but to say it in front of her mom is just so horrible and cringe worthy.


Yeah, I wonder how she would feel if, when meeting Sherry for the first time, Rory had said "So if my dad had waited 16 years, you could be my mommy!"


This was my biggest hate moment of hers. Why would she said something like that in front of Emily. They were all getting alone and she ruined it. Cut turn that episode when that scene happens.


To build off of 12, I think her refusing to even meet Jason was horribly rude. I know most fans forget it because everyone's gushing and squealing over Luke and Lorelai finally getting together it Jason was given the boot very unfairly and Lorelai owed him a conversation. He didn't do ANYTHING wrong--Richard did! And this was a completely random time to pick her parents' side when Lorelai stringently refuses to side with them over anything else.

Actually, Lor is basically out of line with most of her boyfriends. She ditched Max and Jason abruptly. She slept with Christopher like, a few seconds after breaking up with Luke. I think Chris is the only person she handled well.

A rose is just a rose.


Absolutely, she's not capable of dealing with relationships at all.

I feel like the Jason relationship was treated by both Lorelai and the show as a bit of a non starter. By the time the relationship starts, it's so obvious that we are now on the road to Luke and Lorelai that you just know it's going to end somehow (like with Luke and Nicole) so it's hard to get emotionally invested. It's only on later viewings that I realized that they were actually a pretty enjoyable couple to watch. They had stuff in common, neuroses, a shared history, and a love of banter. It was a relationship that actually made a fair bit of sense.

And the whole family is horrible to him, including her.


I loved Jason and I thought he was a way better fit for her. She did treat him poorly and then she acted so angry with him when Richard stabbed him in the back and Lorelai was the reason their relationship got exposed in front of everyone.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon childrenĀ 


I thought number 1 was so stupid!


I am in agreement with most of these and would like to add:

* How she would just take over Luke's diner with no regard to his business, such as when her kitchen caught on fire and she and Sookie just charged in and took over.
* How about when they took over multiple tables at the diner during the election and refused to leave even after he asked he to (I am sure there were other times too, I just can't recall them off the top of my head).
* A real bigee was when she and Sookie were so horribly rude at the funeral, butting in and trying to see if they could buy the dragonfly.
* How about how she insisted on blaming Logan for stealing the yacht when it was Rory's idea.
* Acting so horrible about the car accident (it was an ACCIDENT, they happen, and no one was hurt). She yelled at Luke because Rory had to have so many tests run, but the doctor was ready to send Rory home, Lorelai was the one who insisted on all the tests!

I think this is a show best not binge watched because both of the Gilmore Girls are annoying if you watch them all day! Still love the show though, and looking forward to the movies!!


Man I just watched an episode last night and I feel I have to vent.

The scene where Logan goes to see Lorelai for help with getting Rory back. Lorelai basically says right out she doesn't like him, the reason being that since he and Rory started dating Rory has stolen a yacht, dropped out of Yale, moved in with her grand parents and not spoken to Lorelai for five months.

How on earth can she justify laying responsibility for all that on him? Was her daughter under the influence of drugs? Was she held a gun point? Does she have the mental capacity of a five year old? How can you suggest that a 20-21 year old woman should have no responsibility for her own actions, especially since you normally would go on and on about how incredibly brainy said woman is in all other instances?

Furthermore, it was very much on Lorelais initiative to be on non-speaking terms with her daughter, Logan had nothing to do with it.

Thats another thing that really bugged me about the way Lorelai handled things in this season. Her daughter was clearly confused, had a significant loss of confidence and was in great need of support. Being the adult of the two, Lorelai should have stayed by her side and gently tried to steer her in the right direction. Your kids won't always make decisions you agree with, but thats not cause for cutting ties with them. It sort of looked like Lorelai was only willing to be supportive and loving when Rory was focused and high achieving.

I think it was very fitting that Lorelai was sitting at home, idle, when Rory called her and told her she had gotten a job at a newspaper and was going back to Yale. Lorelai had done nothing - since her failed attempt to recruit her grandparents for an intervention - to try and help Rory find her way back. It took someone like Jess to talk some sense into her.


She freaked out for the entire run of the show.

IMO, she was annoying and she was my least favorite character.


Lorelai is the best character in the show, I much prefer her to Rory to be honest (Rory, in my opinion, is quite annoying in some ways), but Lorelai is far from perfect.

The main thing she consistently does that I think is out of line is how she treats her parents. Yes they are snobbish and controlling and don't understand her but there are many instances when Lorelai is out of line in how mean she treats them.

For instance, when they come to visit her house and she is counting down the minutes until they leave and makes sure they know this by making jokes about it to them, and how she doesn't tell her mother basic things in her life such as the fact they Luke and her are engaged.



Yeah that was awful especially when Lorelai herself hadn't been in a relationship in forever anyway given what she says about her past dating life. That was one of the only times she apologized immediately too.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon childrenĀ 
