As a woman, I feel like we should not promote this obsession with looks; but I'm also human and I admire beauty. I've been watching this show for a month on repeat, and I'm still taken aback, sort of in awe whenever I see her. It's not a particular look that suits her, or a single scene she looks her best at... but just always, in every single scene. She's beautiful beyond belief.
She might not have the world's most unique face (debatable) and she might have very fair features, but everything in her face is perfection. Just the greatest combination possible. Add to that the beautiful eyes and their color, amazing hair (I'd take thin over frizzy mess any day),being tall (er than average), slender, and a feminine aura; and she's literally, perfection.
I've never met anyone who thinks Alexis is not beautiful.
Sometimes, I think she's annoyingly beautiful. I'm so jealous. 
Bumping it up so I don't have to post a whole new thread, this sort of falls into the same category!
I just watched the living art episode where everyone was painted into these classic paintings. I thought it was so cute that Rory is the pretties girl in Stars Hollow, so they naturally go after her for the new painting.
She has good features but I've always found her looks a bit dull. Lauren was always far more striking to me.
she is, especially when she was dressed up for work at the inn, but the way the writers pump her tires was kind of ridiculous. Didn't Miss Patty once say that she looked like Elizabeth Taylor? Then that lady who Emily hired to outfit her and Rory yelled "oh my God, it's Natalie Wood....or something along those lines Eye of the beholder and all, but that's absurd. Lauren Graham isn't in Heather Graham's area code let alone those two classic women. She's attractive, but come on.
Rory is more cute than pretty or "hot", but I understand why people are all about her in the later episodes when she grew more into her frame. I think early on, Alexis as a real person had so much nervous energy (a byproduct of being shy), that it made her look odd in various ways such as how fast she walked, or how she'd kind of bounce when she tried to walk at a slower pace, her poor posture and then all the nervous ticks. Those ticks were cute and helpful when she's acting nervous and shy around Dean in the beginning. They got to be a little odd later on. Yes the large-ish forehead, and smallish mouth. Speaking of which, so does the girl who played Louise...a small-ish mouth, and as much as the writers propped up Rory's pretty eyes, go have another look at Louise's eyes when she's staring a hole through Dean in the Rory's Dance episode when they're guessing his height. With her hair up, Alexis or Lauren would be soundly defeated in the amazing looking eyes category compared to least in that episode.
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I made a post about this a year or so ago saying the same thing. Lauren is obviously attractive but Elizabeth Taylor? Come on. Then Rachel was called an Elle MacPherson kind of pretty etc. Yes she's pretty too but I wonder how they came up with these comparisons. I always thought Louise was really pretty. I saw her in a Disney channel movie when I was young and she looked so pretty with her black hair. Lindsay was pretty too.
"When life gives you lemons" Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon childrenÂ
Alexis has honestly the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. Anytime anyone brings up a discussion like this, about someone's eyes; I think of her. I'm like 90% sure she was cast in Sin City solely because of her eyes! lol
I also never saw the resemblance between Lauren and Natalie Wood. That was odd. But I do kind of see a little bit of Audrey Hepburn in Alexis, so she was a tiny bit on point with that one.