Stuart Townsened. Coloring aside. tOO YOUNG?? Are you kidding? Lestat was in his early 20's when Magnus made him a vamp, so no, Townsend is not too young. As for not looking nothing like Lestat, i disagree - like i said, coloring aside, he was mighty fine! His facial structure, physique and body language pretty much matched up to my vision of him, as gleaned from the Vampire chronicles. If you listen to the director's commentary on the dvd, Anne Rice wasn't bothered by the fact he didn't match up to her description in the novels. I think he acted the part - after reading all the vampire chronicles, the impression i got of Lestat, was of an impulsive, impish, brat who could also be darkly viscious, and even masterly at times. Townesend pretty much summed that up for me. He fulfilled the criteria desired of him, from the director, from that particular movie, which wasn't amazing, but for some reason, i love it, despite it's flaws (which the director/producer explained off, satisfactorily, to my mind). The dialogue wasn't great, but try this - put the QOTD dvd on, put the tv on mute, and play your favortite or some appropriately gothic tunes on, and just soak in the visuals (although you will miss out on Townsend's purring demi-French accent - a bonus if your a Townesend hater, i guess). I've gone off topic now, so i'll depart.