MovieChat Forums > Queen of the Damned (2002) Discussion > Stuart Townsend or Tom Cruise!??

Stuart Townsend or Tom Cruise!??

Who do you think is the better Lestat???

I know that you see Lestat in "Queen of the damned" as the storyteller and in "Interview with the Vampire" of Louis view!
I like Stuart Townsend more I love his acting...
What do you think???


well i dunno...tom shows a lestat more cruel and that says that lestat is cruel and stuart is more like a brat prince so it says too in the book...well i like em both! they're such good actors to play lestat!
...-Come out,come out,wherever you are!...-


Stuart Townsened. Coloring aside. tOO YOUNG?? Are you kidding? Lestat was in his early 20's when Magnus made him a vamp, so no, Townsend is not too young. As for not looking nothing like Lestat, i disagree - like i said, coloring aside, he was mighty fine! His facial structure, physique and body language pretty much matched up to my vision of him, as gleaned from the Vampire chronicles. If you listen to the director's commentary on the dvd, Anne Rice wasn't bothered by the fact he didn't match up to her description in the novels. I think he acted the part - after reading all the vampire chronicles, the impression i got of Lestat, was of an impulsive, impish, brat who could also be darkly viscious, and even masterly at times. Townesend pretty much summed that up for me. He fulfilled the criteria desired of him, from the director, from that particular movie, which wasn't amazing, but for some reason, i love it, despite it's flaws (which the director/producer explained off, satisfactorily, to my mind). The dialogue wasn't great, but try this - put the QOTD dvd on, put the tv on mute, and play your favortite or some appropriately gothic tunes on, and just soak in the visuals (although you will miss out on Townsend's purring demi-French accent - a bonus if your a Townesend hater, i guess). I've gone off topic now, so i'll depart.


In my opinion Tom Lestat for IWTV was perfect, why, cause he played just like louis describes Lestat. Now I also think that Townsend Lestat was also perfect cause he played the way that Lestat talks about himself, I read the entire chronicles except for the last book, and they both did a great job, they both played Lestat acording to the description of the book the either movie was based. But the QOTD movie sucks, its pure garbage.


While I think Townsend did a decent job, especially considering he's stuck with a laughable script, Cruise's Lestat is a far fuller character - crueller, funnier, and infinitely more interesting. Townsend's Lestat is simply the "Brat Prince" aspect.





If Dracula's the standard for traditional, neither of the portrayals are anywhere close. Townsend's Lestat is a rock star who happens to be a vampire. Little else of the character comes through.

Cruise, at least, manages a Lestat with a some complexity in him.



Okay, you make a point. Louis did see Lestat as cruel. However, in the Interview, Lestat is not portrayed as simply cruel. There are several scenes where you can see Lestat's pain too. Such as at the dinner table when he saying that he wasn't given a choice and that he learned nothing from his maker, Magnus. And the scene with the prostitutes. He loves Louis and he hates to see him suffering. He is trying to help Louis because Louis refuses to help himself. Perhaps you should rewatch Interview, because you don't seem to really know much about Tom's performance.

“That innocence, that sweet naïve ignorance...that is humanity.”



Cruel, vain, petty, arrogant, selfish, reckless and self-destructive. But also terrifically seductive, charming, and *funny.*

I think his best scenes are with Claudia, playing father, and his later botched revenge.

You seem to forget that Lestat, at his core, is a monster, despite his attempts to deny it.


The one that everyone needs to remember here is that Anne Rice completely rejected the idea of Tom Cruise playing lastat. That is until she saw the movie. Then she took out a full page add in a trade paper and apologized for her remarks. She was satisfied with Cruises' portrayal in IWAV. I personnaly agree. I dont care how good an actor Stuart Townsend might be, he never should have been picked for Lestat in this movie.


Stuart, cause he's hotter


i think Stuart Townsend was better but it would have bee nice to see Tom Cruise again as a vampire


I much preferred Stuart Townsend as Lestat. I thought Tom Cruise looked AWFUL as a blonde! Besides, he's too old to be a rock star.





AR didn't think TC can't do well..and thats already history is it not? TC prove AR wrong(Its the most rewarding thing for an actor to have the Author's respect,love and won in the end!!!)..and that what a genuine star can really do, who knows his character well and in doing it, you have to have dedication and conviction which I didn't see at all in Stuart or in any of his scene. I don't care how many people "love" this actor or how "cute" "gorgeous" he is as Lestat, Lestat is more than that and on that scale, TC have what it means to be the Brat Prince and is beautiful beyond description too..(Before you all can get me wrong, I was never a fan of Tom before, just his movie..but when It comes to Lestat, his always gonna be the Lestat for me and so I did became a fan not **crush** duh!)

Back then I was not sure who's the better Lestat, coz I have not read a single book, now I know better and Stuart just didn't fill the shoe of TC in this movie in the range of IWTV, this thing QOTD movie is totally has a different story comparing to the book and the IWTV movie, likewise Totally different Lestat and a wrong one as far as the book is concern in describing Anne said "No one will ever forget TC version of it" believe me If AR was given a choice..she would not replace TC! and that’s always my honest opinion about this topic and what my heart dictates me to say..its just me your lovely ranting critic always :-*MUAH!!!! No hard feelings! I see no one can resist me, How lovely!!

"I assumed, I need no introduction"--Lestat


i think they are both good...

tom couldnt have done the rocker like stuart did, but tom looks more the part and had the arrogance down better.

its almost hard to compare as QOTD was so poorly done to begin with, while IWTV is much closer to the books... still not perfect though



Sorry if someone has alread mentioned this but what we have to remember is that both actors were portraying a different Lestat. In IWTV the Lestat in question is what Louis makes him out to be to Daniel (Mr Slater in the movie) and it is this Lestat that Tom caputres beautifully.
At the beginning of TVL Lestat comments on this, I can't remember his exact words but he says something about Louis romanticizing what happened and making Lestat out to be the villain.
The Lestat from TVL and QOTD that Stuart is playing is a world apart from the creature Louis describes and I believe Stuart played him very well. The narrative at the beginning of the film was pure Lestat and as poor as the line "come out come out wherever you are" was it captured the persona of Lestat wonderfully.

If you watch the movie with the commentary on it's quite clear that the movie makers know the story inside out and they go on to explain why they made the changes. Most of the reasons being timing and pacing which I think was a bit lame considering how long the LOTR movies were. Had they created a beautiful 4 hour epic true to the two books I don't think anyone would have complained.
They also say that they did get Stuart to try wearing a blonde wig but abandoned the idea because he looked awful in it...... Opinions?


Stuart Townsend??!! Bawhahahah!



The Lestat from TVL and QOTD that Stuart is playing is a world apart from the creature Louis describes and I believe Stuart played him very well. The narrative at the beginning of the film was pure Lestat and as poor as the line "come out come out wherever you are" was it captured the persona of Lestat wonderfully.

Is that the only Lestat you know from, those two movies?(there is actually a book and am sure you have never read any) and you believe so well that Stuart capture truely what the Brat Prince really is? or so from merging two books(this is really pathetic on their part) in one film? MON DIUE! okey I would try just to comment on what you thought you knew of Lestat from those two movies.

It is true, that IWTV was from Louis own POV, hence this is how he knew Lestat for over 65 years, thur if you will notice all along IWTV movie, Lestat was not at all that different from the moment he write his own life story which is the book The Vampire Lestat..I can't tell all the details here because it will be very long..but If you can only somehow read TVL Lestat has an explanation on why Louis hated him for the wrong reasons even Louis from the movie was aware of it, but he didn't fully understand Lestat why he did not tell Louis of others of their kind like wise The King and Queen of the vampires, for such knowledge was dangerous even forbidden by Marius to Lestat to even tell them to someone new to the blood.... In the epilogue from TVL, he even admitted that he did not really want claudia dead..only punish her for the attempted murder..of this you did not even imagine by just watching IWTV.

But I respect your perception as like what I said, you only new Lestat from those two movies, but if somehow you would only be able to read the book(Not neccesary all of them)you would notice how faithful IWTV movie was and likewise understandable of why Lestat was like that from the first movie...

"I assume I need know introduction"--Lestat


You seem to like accusing people of not having read the Vampire Chronicles or indeed any books at all but if I hadn't then how the hell would I know whether the two actors had captured the persona and character of Lestat or not? FYI I've read all of Anne's work including those written under other names.
You seem to have somehow missed my point entirely. The Lestat narrating TVL says in the first chapter "In fact, after reading his account
of things, I ached for him, ached for his romantic illusions, and even his dishonesty. I ached even for his gentlemanly malice and his physical presence, the deceptively soft sound of his voice. Of course I hated him for the lies he told about me. But the love was far greater than the hate."
The Lestat described in the first book by Louis is not the Lestat we meet in TVL and QOTD and the two actors captured the different interpretations excellently.
Oh, as an aside, next time you decide to put someone down and comment on their illiteracy you might want to proof read your reply. It makes you look very foolish when your post looks like it's been written by a 5 year old.


My mistake, sorry for wrongfully accusing you that you have not read any of the vampire chronicle(I just got the impression sometimes that when someone liked QOTD movie is either just plain dumb or didn't even care to check out the books first),and I sadly didn't satisfied your expectation of a great comment.

Understand am weary with this kind of topic anyways, we just disagree with one another, but on the account of Stuart portraying Lestat accurately, my only honest opinion is that he does not, simply because Stuart's Lestat lack what was supposed to be The Brat Prince, its rather like a cold version of Lestat without the flame in his eyes, he lacks the range TC has on IWTV.. Where’s the brat attitude? The humour?, the conviction to say brilliant poetic lines? Where’s the inner conflict? I may go on forever complaining with those things hopefully you would understand that this is no comment of a 5 year old, all it takes is an average to see what am talking about...I was just not satisfied with your precious Stuart that’s all and its not my fault...good day!



Do I not have the right to post on any message board I want? If i hated a movie then i have the right to post that i hated it. It's as simple as that. And, if you get so "provoked" by what i'm saying (even though you don't know me or anyone else on this board) then why do you post yourself? If you like the movie, fine...i'm perfectly content to hate it myself. This is just something i do because a dorm room can be a very boring place. And, the question was who we liked better...i'm not going to lie because i might piss someone off. If you don't wanna hear that someone may hate Stuart's portrayal of Lestat then don't read the posts concerning that topic.

“That innocence, that sweet naïve ignorance...that is humanity.”


Very well put mashisha....I thank thee, sometimes people get so easily piss-off with a discussion they feel or thought was trying to bring down this film(When in fact it really deserves it!!)When all but we do was just post out of honesty what we feel or thought concerning a topic or a film, because that is what public discussion is all about and not out of sympathy because I don't have any with this film...its but one big mess they did, not only to the characters, but the integrity of the story itself.

I may have rattle about this a thousand times, and if someone would ask again. I would gratefully say again what I want to say! But that's just me, one of thousand critics of this horrible adaptation..

"ignorance is it but a bliss"



What choice do I have? It was posted here...naturally I would be posting it here(duh!) and I have the right always, as I said this is a public board where everybody can state their opinions, provided that its appropriate within the topic cherie. And it seems so obviously appropriate in the first place, for the topic states that who we want better TC OR ST? and I did judge the movie not on this actor alone but the whole movie, that I was totally disappointed in the final outcome, now how hard is that to understand?

If you feel it’s an insult to fans of Stuart, my am just only being honest and didn't mean to hurt anybody, don’t be so sensitive with what I say. its just a film, but honestly I love bashing this film to my hearts content, because of the damage it done to the future films of the vampire chronicle not to mention the book, what they made was just a complete trash(cheap!)movie and a lot of those who have seen this film agree to this, naturally we will say those things in this board again, for this is not a board for only the fans of the film, but for everyone who have seen it, understand it and know it...period! End of discussion is what I only can offer you, because you cannot control what I want to say. So stop rambling for goodness sake.

"Am so good at being bad"--The Vampire Lestat

