Exactly how are you "half gay"? You're either gay or you're straight. Unless you're bisexual and mistakenly claim that you're gay when attracted to a person of the same sex, but straight when you're attracted to a person of the opposite sex. In that case, you're extremely misinformed, and I find it insulting because I am a bisexual woman, I have known that since I was in high school, and I'm attracted to both sexes, always. Yes I have a preference for men, that doesn't make me not bisexual, or "half gay".
Not to mention there are a bunch of different terms that define the sexuality of a person. Heterosexuality, Homosexuality, Bisexuality, Pansexual, Intersex, Asexual, Transexual...but I have never heard of someone being "half gay". So what, do you get the choice of choosing when to be gay? Do you wake up in the morning and decide that for that day you'll be straight or gay? Because that's not how it works.
If it's been fifteen years or more, it's no longer a spoiler.