For me it's not that simple. Resurrection had Laurie aka JLC's final appearance. I mean really, who did you think was going to win since these movies made money? Obviously Michael. Loree was a much better Michael than Mane ever will be. Michael is not some hulking beast he was a man. Loree portrayed that much better than Mane's bull in a china shop.
Much better score. Not sure why Zombie felt the need to put in so many rock tracks, but when you have to go to Youtube to get Bates' score vs. Lux full CD then there's a problem there.
Yes, Res. cashed in on trends, hip young actors and a current fad, webcams, but honestly is that any better than casting your homies in roles they really aren't suited for. And at least the director of Res. didn't recast his dead wife as a ghost with a horse just for the hell of it.
Speaking of which, Rob's Halloween II was just that, for the hell of it. He didn't care. Stupid story, all characters unlikeable, the whole was it all in her head premise, Michael unmasked, speaking, all the things a successful Halloween movie's never been nor needed to be. It's like he said "**** it" and did the exact opposite of what made Halloween so great, the homages, the depth, the actual caring what happens to the characters.
Maybe Res. didn't have much of that, but you cared about Laurie and Sara. Even Myles. Res. was a Halloween movie. Rob's second Halloween was Devils Rejects with Michael as a guest star. Which is why I'll always like Res. better.
"He came home." - Dr. Sam Loomis from the original HalloweeN