MovieChat Forums > Halloween: Resurrection (2002) Discussion > Be honest which one do you like more thi...

Be honest which one do you like more this or RZH2?

Both are widely considered the worst of the franchise(aside from 3,5 & 6) but which one do you like more and why?

I personally adore Halloween:Resurrection I think it's different,unique & cool.
I loathe RZH2 tough I think the film is just a mix match of different ideas from other Halloween films and Horror films in generally with a hard on the eyes visual pallet look to it.


Both are excruciating to sit through. I'd say they're equally as terrible, just in different ways. But both have absolutely ZERO redeeming qualities.


Rob Zombie's Halloween 2 is by far a better film than Resurrection.

If for no other reason than it was an interesting failure that came from a place of real creativity and a real vision. It's quite bad, admittedly... but you can tell there's a certain passion behind it. Rob Zombie was trying to tell his version of the story the way he wanted to, and I can't fault him for at least trying to put his own spin on it after being given creative control. Did it work? No. But I can at least see what he was trying to accomplish and to an extent admire his attempt. And that gives it an inherent watchability, even if only once.

Resurrection is nothing more than a nasty, ugly, cynical cash-grab from studio suits and you can just feel it from its opening moments to its lazy ending. It's shallowly trendy with it's talk of internet and reality-tv to the point of being condescending and instantly dated. It renders the wonderful H20 completely pointless with an extended prologue sequence that's little more than a slap to the face and needless padding. And it's just a wholly messy and weak effort from all involved. Nothing in the film works. The pacing is all out of whack. Characters are completely unestablished and undeveloped. The direction is sloppy and boring. The editing is jarring and creates a multitude of pacing problems. The actors are just atrocious. It's a stylistic and tonal betrayal of the series beforehand. I mean, Jesus... this is a movie where Michael is shocked in the crotch and lets out a comical "Ooooo!"... this is far worse than anything in the Zombie films.

And FURTHERMORE, this is my signature! SERIOUSLY! Did you think I was still talking about my point?


For me it's not that simple. Resurrection had Laurie aka JLC's final appearance. I mean really, who did you think was going to win since these movies made money? Obviously Michael. Loree was a much better Michael than Mane ever will be. Michael is not some hulking beast he was a man. Loree portrayed that much better than Mane's bull in a china shop.

Much better score. Not sure why Zombie felt the need to put in so many rock tracks, but when you have to go to Youtube to get Bates' score vs. Lux full CD then there's a problem there.

Yes, Res. cashed in on trends, hip young actors and a current fad, webcams, but honestly is that any better than casting your homies in roles they really aren't suited for. And at least the director of Res. didn't recast his dead wife as a ghost with a horse just for the hell of it.

Speaking of which, Rob's Halloween II was just that, for the hell of it. He didn't care. Stupid story, all characters unlikeable, the whole was it all in her head premise, Michael unmasked, speaking, all the things a successful Halloween movie's never been nor needed to be. It's like he said "**** it" and did the exact opposite of what made Halloween so great, the homages, the depth, the actual caring what happens to the characters.

Maybe Res. didn't have much of that, but you cared about Laurie and Sara. Even Myles. Res. was a Halloween movie. Rob's second Halloween was Devils Rejects with Michael as a guest star. Which is why I'll always like Res. better.

"He came home." - Dr. Sam Loomis from the original HalloweeN


Zombie's H2 is not a good movie but it's still much better than Resurrection. Seriously it should never have been made. It's not a Halloween movie it's more like a damn parody of the series. It even ruins the ending of H20 with one of stupidest twists. I hate Resurrection it's terrible and it's hard to make it any worse.


Ressurection was better.

The night he came home



Resurrection. hoboween just doesn't do it for me

I hated Jaws, it had too much shark, and dont get me started about King Kong, waaay too much gorilla


Rob's Halloween 2 was pretty bad, but not on the same level of soul-less crap as Resurrection. I wasn't much of a fan of the direction he took the franchise in, but his sequel actually felt like a more fully-formed movie than the remake and took the series in a direction that was nothing if not different. It's also dark and mean as hell, which explains why most audiences rightfully rejected it. But bad art (H2) is always better than bad commerce (Resurrection).

Anyone here mentions Hotel California dies before the first line clears his lips.


I actually enjoy both. I like crappy slasher films and love sequels so I don't have that big of a problem with Resurrection. It's definitely not the best in the series but it's better than Season of the Witch and Curse of Michael Myers. As for Rob Zombie's Halloween II, that was a film I hated when I saw it in the theater but it grew on me when I saw it again on video and it has become a guilty pleasure. After having watched it again recently I definitely see why people hate it so much, but I still enjoy it aside from Scout Taylor Compton's AWFUL acting.

Dragonzord! Mastodon! Pterodactyl! Triceratops! Saber Toothed Tiger! Tyrannosaurus!
