white guilt
i could not wash it off with a shower right now
the little rascals
bugs bunny
even the kid shows my great parents' generation churned out were so messed up.
i could not wash it off with a shower right now
the little rascals
bugs bunny
even the kid shows my great parents' generation churned out were so messed up.
Oldewill, do the world a favor--Shut the Fu*k up and Log off, you Attention-Whoring, indignant, puerile, racist piece of sh*t...
A: "Is that your Bathing Suit?"
W: "Is that your Overbite?"
If it wasn't for slavery in the U.S.A. all the blacks would be somewhere in Africa/Haiti living out of a hut....no A.C. no welfare no car no foodstamps no free schooling...no free lunch ..more than likely try'n not to get killed by another black..just like Haiti Whites have to take care of the ignorant poor blacks...so take your black racist Ignorant remarks and shutup...take a good look around ...I guess after slavery most blacks quit working and starting robbing each other..if blacks are a minority why are they the majority in jail ?????? Even in Africa the king of the jungle is white.....If you didn't know thats Tarzan....
shareFACT 1:Tarzan is a story cooked up by white folks, which shows how ignorant and shallow minded you are.
FACT 2: Not all blacks went to America through slavery. Some emigrated there through their hard work and professionalism.
FACT 3: If it wasn't for religious wars and plagues in Europe, America would still belong to the Natives. Which means that white folks had a lot of nasty *beep* in their history as well(bubonic plague, vikings, sectarian wars)
FACT 4: Unless you have stepped onto African soil, you don't know *beep* about Africa and are not qualified in making any statements regarding the continent. So shut your in bred spoon fed trap of a mouth and thank God for the food on your table and for the marginal intelligence he accorded you.
Been 'der, done 'dat and I ain't goin' back!
"nedatronics" I have never been to Africa or prison but im pretty sure the stories I heard about them are pretty close to true...I thank God every day for the food on my table and that I was born in the U.S.A. A country where you can vote get welfare,free schooling,free houseing..and soon free health care for everyone not just poor and old thanks on part of our Black president Oboma..IM just sick of Black people cry'n about slavery 100 years before I was born....I really doubt slavery is the reason most of the people in prison are Black ....or slavery is the reason so many Blacks are poor and live off the system...Just because im White its my fault??? It looks that way to me ..Im guilty for something I DIDN'T DO over a hundred years before I was born!!!!!!
Its time for Blacks to stop complaining and start doing......
P.S. The Tarzan thing was a not so funny "joke" I belive Redd Foxx said...
Point of information, isn't african american, he is mixed race, half white half Kenyan.
Black people have a lot to be angry about, and slavery's legacy doesn't merely peter out after a mere 100 or so years, anyway touchy topic, but stupid films such as this one don't really help.
This makes no sense. Why be ashamed of something some people did? You were not involved.
Experiencing white guilt because of this movie would be like blacks experiencing black guilt for the fact that black males commit the VAST majority of crimes in today's America.
...That's a cute little snide comment. So you're telling me that black males commit the VAST majority of white (And even blue)-collar-Crimes in 'today's America?'
That's what I thought. The next time you log on blathering about racially biased, skewed, and groundless 'Statistics,' do the world (On and Offline) a favor and learn how to utilize basic Reading Comprehension and get off your 'White Privilege' Pedestal.
A: "Is that your Bathing Suit?"
W: "Is that your Overbite?"
I know your post is two years old, but I hope that by now you've realized you were wrong and that blacks do commit a dramatic majority of crimes in comparison to any other race statistically in America. If not, please just take a moment to google or bing "race and crime" and look things up. I cannot believe you really posted what you did. Hopefully by now you've become a bit more intelligent.
I don't think it's guilt I felt, more of an angry response to the film. One point I thought Spike was making with this whole film was that Americans NEED to see this kind of stuff. He made this film so over the top racist and extreme because he wanted white America to know it's not ok to think all blacks act like the one's you see on MTV. He wanted us to know how oppressed blacks still are, and he wanted an angry, guilty, and sad response to this film, because that's the only way he can inspire change.
At the very least, he wants you to never show those images/shows to your children and to KNOW how wrong they are.
"I speed write, and my loose leaf's my launch pad"
To be honest, i don't think this is another one of Lee's white guilt trip films. It's obvious he is pointing the finger a little more decisely at the black community in this one, esp their role in perpetuating negative stereotypes for money. It's more about blacks selling out their own community for personal gain than it is a story about how bad whites are. Sure whites are technically the 'enablers', since they run the entertainment industry, but that wasn't really Lee's point this time IMO.
shareThis film was great, as good as 25th hour and inside man for different reasons but what I do not understand is this race guilt, white or otherwise.
If I feel guilty for being white should I also feel guilt for being straight, poor, tall, educated, liking big butts etc? I am happy to feel guilt in some small way for all recognised cardinal sins as it keeps me grounded as there are people who have it worse off than me but if you let it really get to you then the guilt will prevent you from functioning and so any hope of changing society and righting wrongs. Is lost. Maybe I do not feel guilt for anything which had nothing to do with me or my parents, grandparents and to be truthful there is no guarantee that any of my ancestors were racists and even if they were why is that so bad if they prevented it from hurting another human being as it was their choice so why should I care?
I do care about history and accept that things were different and arguably now wrong though not necessarily then in that context but knowing the problems I can try to prevent them from happening again in the hope that on some level humans have evolved.
There is a great bit in the movie when sleepneat states that ‘it’s all a cycle’, which history shows us it is, hell even Elton John won an Oscar for stating the obvious. Black people screwed over black people long before ol’ whity showed up and when they did they acted on their base instincts to continue screwing over their own people enabling slavery. White people had sickly already enslaved other races including themselves through religion and class as well as sex before race. We now know through Anthropology that despite what ‘Sister thinks about men on the moon’, we were all black once and possibly black people will one day be white or maybe if we are lucky we will all be tanned. What is offensive is that white people feel guilty at all as they are separating themselves from black people as the same race origins which if is to be believe should make white people actually guilty for enslaving their ancestors which is pretty messed up. The film alludes to this crazy ignorance and it was amazing to see Spike Lee putting it all out there and telling people to carry the past with you but not in front of you as it will burden your future. Also the hip-hop gansta’ black stereotype perpetrated and endorsed by so called black society was wonderfully mocked as a new form of slavery which Delacroix refused to conform to and was subsequently made a parier by all races though his nonconformity was actually based on choice rather than cultural inheritance and laziness as I do not believe he was French. I.e. a great Gatsby character. ‘So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past'. Which is a real danger with people in society feeling guilt for anything they did not contribute to or condone but again ironically fail to do anything about. In conclusion it was sad when Mrs. Smith actually became a stereotype herself betraying her character and the director failed to demonstrate the evil or ambivalence within the black races against its own people whereupon both writer and assistant would have more realistically revelled in their success and refuse to conform to mass hysteria or even common perceived human decency instead favouring the Capitalist American Dream which the TV execs proudly spurted. Though in defence of Mr. Jones he did portray a black gang member laughing at the minstrels and Delacroix accepting awards for his perceived betrayal of a race which clearly wished to hold him back through its’ obsession and downright refusal to let the past be done.
share@christopherdnewton: You make some great points. "Carry the past with you, but not in front of you as it will burden your future."
"Don't get chumpatized"! -The King of Kong (2007)
shareThis is some good ol' fashion *beep*
None of the above arguments mask the fact that this movie sucks, and is massively racist against white people. Seriously, every single white person in this movie is made out to be either a dick or a closet-racist.
Racism is racism, regardless of the target.
Also, the movie sucked.
Nobody is half white.....
Also,this movie sucked
...Yeah, because blacks have NEVER EVER been portrayed as blatant stereotypes in movies, right?
Get the *beep* outta here...
A: "Is that your Bathing Suit?"
W: "Is that your Overbite?"
Most Blacks want to be "blatant stereotypes" "Hip Hop would be culture" = thugs and skanks.....
shareI thought it was a thought-provoking, and more important funny film.
Although 'white-guilt' is a sack of w@nk, it makes as much sense as people from Bristol apologising for the slave-trade they weren't involved in.
As a white chap I'll apologise for slavery when King Ghezo's descendants do.
To screw ECHELON please add "heroin, kiddy porn, terrorist, bomb, president, allah" to every email
oh well
shareMost Whites want to be "blatant stereotypes" "Country and Rock music would be culture" = Meth, heroin, cocaine addicted, cowardly Inbred Trailer trash. This applies to both sexes.
See how that works, you laughably pathetic, puerile, racist, Inbred, cowardly (Spewing all the anti-black racist prattle online while thinking you're safe from retaliation due to the so-called 'anonymity' of the Internet)? Do the world a favor and go lay in traffic, you deluded Inbred *beep*...
What kind of self-respecting, functional adults name themselves after Pajamas?
I love this guy Entropy...." This applies to both sexes. """ ????? How can a person be so far in denial to think the ghetto is a safe place....There's no more Blacks in prison than whites....There is no such thing as Black on Black crime..People are all the same no matter ...Shoot most Blacks are really rich rappers/actors or doctors and lawyers like the Cosby Show..Fat Albert, Good Times, Sanford and Son are just made up bull because numbers lie. The media and the court system make up stories like Black riots burning down, robbing your own neighborhood ..Blacks just don't do that.. Only White morons like me would think that's a Good idea .....You know stating the obviousness makes you a racist..Don't worry if your not Black and have to walk threw the ghetto/projects even at night no Blacks will mess with you in any way ..Shoot someone will more than likely get you a cab and a tow truck and pay for it..
"(Spewing all the anti-black racist prattle online while thinking you're safe from retaliation due to the so-called 'anonymity' of the Internet)?"
So what your saying is Blacks are VIOLENT!!! Retaliation ??? From stating facts ?????? Now that would be "blatant Black stereo topic behavior"....
"prattle" I love that word :P
USA QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau
41 percent of the nation's 2 million jail or prison inmates are African American, 37 percent Caucasian, and 19 percent Hispanic.
USA QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau
population in Amarica
white persons,percent,2009 70.6%
black persons,percent,2009 15.9%
You don't see a correlation between the precentage of blacks in prison and the population of blacks in the U.S.A.???
Blacks commit the majority of crime.
"While African Americans comprise 13.5% of the U.S. Population, 43% OF ALL MURDER VICTIMS in 2007 were African American, 93.1% of whom were killed by African Americans"
Blacks are VIOLENT!!!
Want real Black behaviorism ??? Watch Da Boondocks ..
i have never been a racist. so no, i don't feel any guilt.
but the racists will certainly want to keep bringing it up.
"Most Blacks want to be "blatant stereotypes" "Hip Hop would be culture" = thugs and skanks....."
I'm white, and I'm not gonna apolagize for my ancestors, but I am gonna apolagize for the dueche bag who wrote that because he makes us all look bad NOW and doesn't seem to realize that he's even worse than those white slave owners because at least they were ignorant that what they were was wrong, and he does it just because he's a d*ckless loser, and worse, a genuinely evil person.
BTW, the definition of racism is "The belief in the biological superiority of one race over another", so FYI, it's not racist to think that the way one race generally behaves is wrong so long as you don't really believe you were born genetically superior in some way. I really like the fact that respect still means something in Asian cultures, but that doesn't mean I'm racist against whites, blacks, of whoever doesn't hold traditional values in high regard.
BTW, the defintion of bigot is"One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ."
myownpersonalnirvana Have you ever seen a Rap Video??? I don't think you live near/around blacks .. You must have never been to the ghetto/the hill/the projects/jail/prison... Most blacks 11 to 27 want to emulate every stereotype in Rap Videos and Gansta Movies
"While African Americans comprise 13.5% of the U.S. Population, 43% of all murder victims in 2007 were African American, 93.1% of whom were killed by African Americans"
You see most "stereotypes" of blacks in the media arn't "stereotypes" but "typical behavior"..
"white slave owners because at least they were ignorant that what they were was wrong" You realy belive they were ignorant to the fact slavery was wrong??? Just to add thats your quote just the way you typed it..
So... let me get this straight... you BELIEVE that it is okay to be a racist because in your opinion black people deserve it?
You need more help then I can offer
"You need more help then I can offer"
myownpersonalnirvana You need the help. Read my previous post or post's I never said its ok to be a racist.. Read this whole thread when you have graduated from high school.. Maybe it will make more sense..
P.S. This movie sux
Yeah dude, I read it, you used statistics to prove that a black 'steriotype' is really just plain black 'behavior.'
It's not a problem with what you said, it's a problem that you go on a message board trying to prove that there is no conspiracy and that blacks really ARE terrible people. That's not something a person who didn't have a chip on his shoulder would ever do.
I know your White and live in a all White neighborhood...Went to a all White school .. Never been around Blacks except at the drive thru..I guess you think most Blacks are like "The Cosby Show"
Bill Cosby himself "Are you not paying attention, people with their hat on backwards, pants down around the crack. Isn't that a sign of something, or are you waiting for Jesus to pull his pants up (laughter and clapping ). Isn't it a sign of something when she's got her dress all the way up to the crack...and got all kinds of needles and things going through her body. What part of Africa did this come from? (laughter). We are not Africans. Those people are not Africans, they don't know a damned thing about Africa. With names like Shaniqua, Shaligua, Mohammed and all that crap and all of them are in jail. (When we give these kinds names to our children, we give them the strength and inspiration in the meaning of those names. What's the point of giving them strong names if there is not parenting and values backing it up).
Brown Versus the Board of Education is no longer the white person's problem. We've got to take the neighborhood back (clapping). We've got to go in there. Just forget telling your child to go to the Peace Corps. It's right around the corner. (laughter) It's standing on the corner. It can't speak English. It doesn't want to speak English. I can't even talk the way these people talk. “Why you ain't where you is go, ra,” I don't know who these people are. And I blamed the kid until I heard the mother talk (laughter). Then I heard the father talk. This is all in the house. You used to talk a certain way on the corner and you got into the house and switched to English. Everybody knows it's important to speak English except these knuckleheads. You can't land a plane with “why you ain't...” You can't be a doctor with that kind of crap coming out of your mouth. There is no Bible that has that kind of language. Where did these people get the idea that they're moving ahead on this. Well, they know they're not, they're just hanging out in the same place, five or six generations sitting in the projects when you're just supposed to stay there long enough to get a job and move out."
Bill Cosby can see it .. Why can't you ??
You see most "stereotypes" of blacks in the media arn't "stereotypes" but "typical black behavior"..
A.)Your numbers are all void because you have not taken into account the confounding factor of class. Turn your statistical acumen towards the black middle and upper-class and see if your stereotype holds up. Oh, what? Rich and successful blacks don't count?
B.)There is no evidence, scientific or otherwise, that shows a causal link between skin pigmentation and behavior. Since 'black' is a category constructed upon skin pigmentation, your contention that there is any sort of link is dead out of the gate.
C.)You cite Bill Cosby--when's the last time he set foot in an impoverished, urban underclass school filled with impoverished, urban underclass blacks? He's no authority to speak on the issue. In fact, when's the last time you ever came remotely close to experiencing the material reality of poor urban blacks? Since your statistics are null--see above--what authority really substantiates your views on race? Your uninformed opinion on the matter? Call a rational person unimpressed.
D.)The tired 'if it wasn't for us blacks would still be in huts' argument is absurd. Considering the ways societies are known to develop, it is much more likely that without colonial influence Africa would have a modern, high-functioning network of societies. It was colonization, which eliminated the possibility of a wealthy African middle-class, that limited the development of these societies, the fallout of which is still evident today in the postcolony.
urobolusring ..Im pretty sure your white and have "white guilt" The only thing you come up with is "Its not true Its not true"
The crime rate in black neighborhoods is higher than white neighborhoods"Its not true Its not true"
Blacks are a minority in the U.S.A. but the majority in jail.."Its not true Its not true"
In Africa the majority of blacks live in shacks or huts.."Its not true Its not true"
I went to a black school. I lived in a black neighborhood. I have been to jail.I have watched documentaries on Africa ..Open up your eyes ..Take a look around its all true...
USA QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau
41 percent of the nation's 2 million jail or prison inmates are African American, 37 percent Caucasian, and 19 percent Hispanic.
USA QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau
population in Amarica
white persons,percent,2009 70.6%
black persons,percent,2009 12.9%
You don't see a correlation between the precentage of blacks in prison and the population of blacks in the U.S.A.???
Just go on in your white neighborhood with your rose colored glasses on and keep on blaming whites for all of blacks problems..
Im pretty sure you don't hang out with people of color .So why defend people you know nothing about?????
Sorry but I just couldn't ignore this flaw in your trolling: "I went to a black school. I lived in a black neighborhood. I have been to jail." Jail. JAIL. Are you not just proving deviancy has nothing to do with skin pigment but class and environment (not to mention societal expectations)? If not for your skin colour, in society's eyes you would be lumped with the rest of the blacks in your neighbourhood.
i'm white and i love both fried chicken AND watermelon.
Im from the south i'm white and i love both fried chicken AND watermelon. Catfish and greens and grits too.
So I guess you're pretty big on sins of the father? I personally can't apologize for an offense I never committed. Should a German child born today feel uncomfortable around a joo?
"I do what I say and I say what I mean"