Puff, The Magic Dragon is NOT a reference to MJ.
The creators of the song voices this with passion. That part of the movie irritates me.
The creators of the song voices this with passion. That part of the movie irritates me.
I agree, but many people use to think it was a reference to MJ. You have to admit that the song was a bit whimsical and you can understand why many interpreted it to be about weed.
The same sort of thing was said about Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds.... LSD?
It was a song about John's son's little school friend..... nothing more.
People often deny artistic allusions after the public discover them. Gotta go with the evidence on this one.
shareAs always, there are multiple sides to a story, and you are a FOOL, if you just believe someone just because they 'say so'.
Let's examine a few things; which would benefit the 'creator' - admitting that they made a song that glorifies drug usage and decadence, violence and crime it leads to, or lying that they actually were completely innocent, and the 80 separate, VERY obvious allusions to such are ALL just super rare coincidences..?
When you look at the 'evidence', as someone said, then listen to what they say, well.. people are known to LIE. People in this movie lie quite a lot throughout the movie. People lie.
It is, of course, possible... but how likely is it? That's another story. Who writes a song that includes terminology like 'magic dragon', 'puffing', 'papers', during a well-known hippie drug era, and has absolutely NO idea it could be interpreted that way? Come on. It HAD to be deliberate at least on SOME level.. if nothing else, then sub-consciously.
So you saying it so surely is a bit foolish, as you can't REALLY know, can you? You only have their word against the evidence, and believing someone's word that would mean you have to SWALLOW THAT MANY COINCIDENCES... sorry, but that makes you a fool.
At LEAST take it with a grain of salt, as an 'unlikely possibility', but don't just BELIEVE someone that CAN LIE (the word 'lie' is even in the word 'believe') and who benefits from lying.
As far Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds - sure, people just write these REALLY obscure, weird, unlikely, strange, odd names that already indicate they were on SOMETHING when they came up with that (Lucy in the Sky? What the heck kind of sense does that make? Why add 'diamonds'? Why is there no verb there? What is Lucy doing in the Sky, how did she get there, are the diamonds there separately, and who put them there, and how can they all defy gravity and and and.. this makes no sense unless you are either on drugs OR writing about drugs).
Either way, it's drugs.
It's like.. how naïve do you have to be to just blindnly believe those that would benefit most from lying..?
Some coincidence might be believable, but these two certainly aren't.
How does someone come up with 'Lucy in the Sky' (with diamonds or otherwise - why wasn't it any of the other gemstones, like emeralds, aquamarines, ambers, sapphires, jades, rubies, etc.. how did it JUST HAPPEN to be 'diamonds'? What kind of sense does it make to say 'Jack in the Clouds with Rubies'? You see my points? That Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds ONLY makes sense as a reference to LSD, and these people admitted to using it, using drugs, and they lived in the hippie drug-era anyway, so if you want to believe it's a coincidence, you basically count 1+1+1 = 2. That doesn't compute.)?
I mean, what are you thinking as an admitted drug-user songwriter during an era where mind-expanding psychedelic substances were celebrated, when you write 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds'?
Yeah, sure, just a friend... that's how people always write about their friends. My friend Doherty was in Quasi-Space with Orange Ambers, but somehow that doesn't make any sense or create any kind of drug reference.
No matter how you turn it around, the only way it can even approach anything that might make any sense, is the LSD-reference.
Just because the songwriter does not ADMIT something, doesn't mean they were not doing it. It's like a corporation admitting to murdering kids in a faraway country - OF COURSE they are not admitting it or their stocks will plummet. Whether they're actually DOING it is completely separate from what they claim.
Drugs like that also impair thinking ability and memory, so they might even sincerely believe they did not mean those references, even though at the time, they absolutely did. There's no way of knowing 100% without using some kind of ESP ability, which could as well be the result of ingesting powerful psychedelic substances and so on..