What do women want? To hate men apparently.
This film is a Cinematic Castration.
Mel Gibson in his early 'unenlightened' stage is no worse than the women, yet it is he and he alone, who is described as an "a*****e" and "sexist" (bearing in mind that this came before his later rantings). The same behaviour among the females, such as totally ignoring the office loser while selfishly pursuing their careers, is shown as normal, even as desirable.
Because of his behaviour, Gibson must suffer every humiliation. First he is forced to dress up as a woman, for no apparent reason. Next, when he starts to change, he receives scorn and mockery from his boss, Helen Hunt. At no time is her startling rudeness and smugness or even her qualification to do the job questioned. She's the heroine.
Next his sexual prowess is removed UNTIL he accepts he is just there to please his lover. He also engages in a lot of gossip, support and advice which all the women in the film find so wonderful, but in reality they would find patronising and annoying. And also rather gay.
Yes according to this film women want Gibson to be gay except when he is servicing them. They want him to shut up and listen to their waffle uncritically (or what they call 'being supportive') and accept a second-class status both at work and at home.
The climax of this comes during the awful finale. Hunt's loss of a job is seen as a major disaster, although if she was a good as she is supposed to be, she would have no difficulty getting another one. Gibson is forced to grovel to this selfish woman, telling her how everything is his fault, how she is so much better than him etc. After this piece of female ego-massage, what happens? She fires him!
However HIS job loss is seen as unimportant, something that he should accept if 'he loves her'.
Feminist propaganda tripe and highly mysandrist.