MovieChat Forums > Animal Factory (2000) Discussion > EDWARD FURLONG IS NOT ON DRUGS!!!!!


Edward furlog was not kicked out of terminater 3 because he was on drugs. he was kicked off terminator 3 because he was drinking to much. who ever started the rumor that he was on drugs is an idiot. Edward furlong even said himself that it was not a drug problem he had it was a DRINKING problem. and yes he did go to rehab but he went for alcaholism not drug addiction as a matter of fact he even checked himself in so people need to shut up about this drug addiction thing because it is really bugging me.


All you need to do is look at Edward Fulong's filmography to see that he did TWO movies over a four year period after this movie to know that he must have had some serious frickin problems and was blacklisted due to being impossible to work with. Considering he's hardly a big enough star to be difficult on his on right, he must have been going through some sort of deep detox.


everyone takes drugs. why be so ashamed? i do drugs. i'm still a good man.


the reason he never showed up for T3 is because he was drinking and always came to set with hangovers and *beep* after awhile he just started not to show up, so they wrote him out.


I feel pity for Edward Furlong. He seems completely wasted now, as is common to most child actors, irrespective of being addicted to drugs or drinks. He had oodles of talent, as evident in all his brilliant portrayals. I must say, that he perfectly fits the bil even in the gritty generic drama 'Animal Factory'.



I have nothing against taking drugs. Except when it leads to the destruction of your life and career, as in Furlong's case, then it is something to be ashamed of as you're no longer in control of your life. For people that can do drugs recreationally without succeeding such control, or as a means of improving the quality and efficacy of one's life ... I'm all for it.

The idea of a personal God is quite alien to me and seems even naive. - Albert Einstein


He probably has had some drug problems. He's had a hard life. Although, I'm very much against drinking and drugs. I don't think it's right to financially benefit an industry that makes money off of killing and poisoning people.


aprilsh22 thinks:

"I don't think it's right to financially benefit an industry that makes money off of killing and poisoning people."

Now IMO that's an extremely short sighted way of looking at it. Unless I'm to assume for consistency sake you're a hardcore teetotaler since alcohol would be the #1 culprit behind the industry of your accusation with tobacco coming in next.

The 'killing and poisoning' of people is incidental to the drug trade's more obvious purpose which is to fulfill the demand to improve one's life via the 'Better living through chemistry' ethos, whether it be to improve one's mood and state of mind (anti-depressants), strength & conditioning (steroids), recovery from injury (human growth hormone), pain relief (various narcotic anesthetics), improved appetite (medical marijuana), recovery from physical or psychological ailments (e.g. amphetamines for treatment of ADHD & narcolepsy), or just plain recreation. In fact, the pharmaceutical industry supports the all these reasons except [i]recreation[/]. But if it improves the quality of one's life, why should it be thought of any differently?

It's not the drug themselves, which can be used to effect the positive or negative, but how people choose to use them. Excessive indulgence of anything is ultimately harmful. The drug industry does not not make off killing and poisoning people any more than they do helping and curing people. It's up to you to recognize the difference.

"But, but, but, CLINTON!!!"
~Any reich-winger when confronted with their miserable failures


The whole story of Edward Furlong just goes along the lines of "a little kid thrown into a grown up world way too fast" which is true. Whether it be drugs or alcohol, it was a substance abuse that made him lose the part in T3. Either way, what's it matter? He knows he messed up and he says himself that its one of his biggest regrets. I personally would have loved to see him as John Conner in T3, but I still think Nick Stahl did a fantastic job.

But everyone can say what they want about him, but hte only person who knows every detail is Eddie himself. If he feels the need to defend himself, I'm sure he'll do it. He doesn't need you to step up to bat for him.

OuT bY 16or dead in this scenebut together forever.


sorry but almost everyone knows that he had overdose seevral years ago, that he survived by miracle.



Just read his Bio here on IMDB states Eddie admitted this:
"In December 2006 he told "People" magazine that he smokes 2-3 packs of cigarettes a day. At the same time he also admitted being addicted to cocaine and heroin from the age of 22 to 26."

Any other doubts have you ever watched this stinker

.... serious drug abuse !

"What we've got here is... failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach."


make that link clickable please

.i want to be a butterfly.


Wouldn't have a clue how to do it. Triple click the line and paste into a new window, almost as quick, and gives you a sense of achievement.

"What we've got here is... failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach."



my guess is the unclickable link is for "his is not a movie". that film did have Eddie talking to himself thru the whole thing. easy to watch it and then think one had to be on some kind of drugs to even go thru reading the script

Rob Zombie is one of the greatest directors today


Yes, he was on drugs in every movie.


Edward Furlong?
