OK, enough with "every character in this show is great". Everybody likes and dislikes people around, so that goes for the characters in movies as well. So, who do you consider to be the most annoying? I personally don't like Kim at all and sometimes Doc. What about you?
Perhaps the only other TV character I ever hated as much as Cruz (that wasn't an out right villain) was Kerry Weaver on ER but at least Weaver attempted to be a redeemable human.
i dislike grace (she nerves) and that new firefighter, which took kim into the disco before it burned there. don´t really like jerry mankowicz and dislike brendon finney´s father. and in my eyes linda is a really sleazebag: malicious, calculating and vengeful (poor joe!), and so is jason christopher. but their characters are rather unimportant and so got no depth.
(my favs are faith and cute bit nuts holly, i think.)
The most annoying character, I think were Fred, Carlos and Doc. I say Fred because he SEEMED to be self-centered and not really caring about Faith too much (Just my opinion!). Carlos was just so whiny and selfish at times in the beginning, and Doc...it just felt like it always had to be about him, and he always had to be right or there would be hell to pay.
Personally, I loved Bosco and all his smart a$$ comments...too funny
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I mainly dislike Fred because of how he treated Faith in Season 2 when she finally told him she was pregnant, and how he was all happy go lucky, when they could barely make ends meet as it was. Faith had asked him not to tell anyone and then he goes and has a few beers with his buddies and suddenly everyone knows that she's pregnant
Fred was the absolute worst. He was so selfish and whiney and HOW did Faith manage to marry him? That's the strongest move I've ever known a woman to make.
Carlos could be whiney, but I loved how he would always balance Doc. Doc was the real whiner, who felt the world owed him. I'm 95% positive I can find a quote where Carlos literally told him just that, in the early seasons. With that in mind, it was easy for me to tolerate Carlos and his behavior.
I could never dislike Bosco. He was always genius (especially in the first season when he found out his mother was being abused, and in the 9/11 episodes).
-- We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. --Oscar Wilde
I would have to say Cruz, Doc, at least after he went crazy, and Fred was a bit of a jerk towards the end. I didn't really care for Grace either, but i think that was because they brought her in too late in the show. Faith's daughter Emily got a little annoying as the show moved on, but some of it was understandable.
The show began to go down the crapper with the introduction of her character. She had a terrible personality, you never knew which side she was on. And her looks were so bizarre. One moment she looked attractive, the next she looked like a bad tranny. And she & Bosco had no chemistry at all.
I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus. Didn't he discover America? Penfold, shush.
Thanks for reminders how annoying most T Watch characters can get
After all these years you fortunately remember the good ones like J Wiles K Raver and P d'Averville
Most of the rest like that feuding M Price and her dopey hubby and T Cruz and her lezzed out friends and stupid E Cibrian and his loosy goosy underage concubine
They can get so annoying that you wish that you never came on here to remember how annoying they alaways were
Remeber that scene when J Wiles M Price and T Cruz all pull pistols on one another and then the lights fade to black and it goes on as a season channger
You go J Wiles! J Wiles! J Wiles! J Wiles! J Wiles! J Wiles! J Wiles! J Wiles! J Wiles! J Wiles! J Wiles! J Wiles! J Wiles! J Wiles! J Wiles! J Wiles! in hopes that when they next season raises its ugly head that J Wiles! will be the only one standing
becase yeah he's that good and K Raver too the only ones who save T Watch from complete and utter annoyance
R Dratch and T Meadows has a guest spot twoo but they got out in time before anybody has a chance to measure them with annoyance factors
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