The sheriff is the devil

This might be obvious for many people, but I just realised a few things while watching this movie for like the 5th time (I love this film).

I could have picked this up the first time watching it - but didn't.

Tommy, the hitchhiker, says that the devil is a white man with a hound dog.

The sheriff is a white man with a hound dog, who quite possible would have been at the crossroads at midnight looking for the three escapees.

furthermore later on when the Pete is about to be hanged the sheriff has flames in his glasses lens's, indicating the fire of hell from below... and when he walks into the shot it is quite scary, just the way Pete gasps when seeing him.

there was other references i forget now too.

also, i am not familiar with the tale of the odyssey so that didn't help...

oh and the three women-- the sirens.... it all makes sense now... seriously i never noticed until this viewing that it was an adaption of the odyssey... silly me hahah...great film, great music!


I picked up on it today after the first viewing. It was a small moment of "mind blown" for me.
