MovieChat Forums > O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2001) Discussion > Not well received in the bible belt?

Not well received in the bible belt?

My wife grew up in the bible belt, and she said that when her and her family watched, they seemed to be the only ones in the theater who enjoyed the film. Hit too close to home maybe?


I first watched it with the in-laws in a theater in Southaven, Mississippi and the audience laughed out loud often and applauded at the end. Don't be a dumb ass.


Jesus Christ nowadays you have to check with those politically correct SCUMBAGS before you answer a question or give your opinion? F That! I loved it. And whether you live in the "Bible belt" or in New York or wherever you are entitled to your opinion. And those of you who find it racist or offensive, well then you need to get grow a thicker skin!


Did you and your wife take a survey to see who enjoyed the movie?


I saw this movie on the South Side of Chicago and was the only one in the theater.

Must have hit them too close to home.


Decrepit Zombie Thread but I'll post here ,,,, WHY???? I'm an idiot, i guess.

People in the Bible Belt...

L O V E this fkin movie relentlessly.

No joke.

Let's go dig up some more OLD threads.


I love this film. You can preach from it. It's "every way to get God and salvation wrong."
