Favorite Lines

Ok, beside the Fop vs. Dapper Dan line one was:

"Them's si-REENS"


in dramatic whisper: "We thought you was a toad!"


"I don't want FOP, God-dammit! I'm a Dapper Dan, man..!"

"Well, of course there's all manner of lesser of imps and demons, Pete. But the great satan himself is red and scaly with a bifurcated tail and he carries a hayfork."

"Vernon here's got a job. Vernon's got prospects. He's bonafide..!"


Pappy O'Daniel: Shake a leg Junior! Thank God your mammy died givin' birth. If she'd have seen you, she'd have died o' shame.

"That ape is very very cunning and he will do what he needs to do to stop you."


"Maybe its for the best he was squished. Why, he... was barely as sentient being..."

I love that line. I am going to try to incorporate "barely a sentient being" into my vocabulary now when I need to insult someone.

That, and "[That small amount of food] would only arouse my appetite without bedding her back down". So true.


I'm surprised , nee horrified that nobody likes / notices "Damn were in a tight spot ! " and "First I have to win back the farm"

The woods are lovely, dark and deep but I have a lot to see before I sleep


Well, I'll only be 82


Gopher, Everett?


"A veritable age of reason"
" it's a fool who looks for logic in the chambers of the human heart"
"And stay out of the Woolworths"
" woman is the most fiendish instrument of torture ever devised to bedevil the days of man"
" I'm glad your momma died in child birth. If she'd have seen you she would have died of shame"



Everett: I'n not sure that's Pete.


Of course it's Pete. Look at him!

"You may have come on no bicycle, but that does not say that you know everything."


Pretty much everything Homer Stokes says cracks me up, both the lines and the way he delivers them...

"Dese boys is miscegenated!"

"I happen to belong to a soiten secret society..."

"It's gon' be BACK TO THE FLOUR MILL, Pappy!"

So on and so forth...


Dat's not MY culture an' heritige! Is dat YO' culture an heritige?!

"You may have come on no bicycle, but that does not say that you know everything."



"Well, WE was fixin to fornicate!"

