MovieChat Forums > Farscape (1999) Discussion > How old were you when you fell in love w...

How old were you when you fell in love with this?

In my country this series didn't air at the time. So i got hold of it and these last months i've tried to watch it. I'm a Sci-Fi lover and people kept bringing this up. I'm up to the episode "Through the Looking Glass". And until now i must say that the show is becoming a chore to watch.

What i'm thinking is that this show probably uses some triggers that work on people a certain age and that i'm probably too old to fully enjoy these characters. Because so far it seems that this show is mostly about how interesting the characters are. Only, for me they really hold no interest. From the uncharismatic feeble "hero" to the muppet... Although the muppet is probably the best.

I want to ask how old were you when you started liking this and if there is a deeper plot to this in the series other than "running from the baddies" boring rinse and repeat i got until now.

At the moment, without hope of it improving, i think i'm going to stop watching this. Can you give me some sort of hope?


I was in the 11th grade, so I was about 17 years old. I didn't actually start watching the show until the very end. Leading up to The Peacekeeper Wars mini-series, the sci-fi channel did a marathon of the entire series and I recorded all of the episodes and watch them all.


I started it when I was about 30. It just was part of my action-adventure afternoon, so when one show ended and Farscape started, I just stayed with it. Then, the entire action-adventure genre collapsed and it really hasn't come back. There have been occasional shows that did well but I think the genre as a whole has moved towards comics, anime, etc. A direction that just doesn't appeal to me as much.

I agree with the person who said it's very Australian. You have to get used to the atmosphere. But once you do, it's really good.


24. I saw the trailer for Peacekeeper War and was like, "What is this?" I found out it was a show, bought it on eBay, watched it, then eventually Peacekeeper Wars.

This was not a kid's show.
