MovieChat Forums > O (2001) Discussion > A liitle sympathy for Hugo?

A liitle sympathy for Hugo?

Does anyone feel a little sympathy for Hugo? I'm not trying to justify what he did at all, but look at it from his POV: everyone in the school praises O like he's a God while he works just as hard and is left in the doldrums. Not to mention his own father treats him like crap and treats O like he's the Golden Child. At the beginning when Hugo's father says, "I love him like my own son" to O, that HAD to hurt. Again, not justifying what he did, but I can see why Hugo would do what he did.


I can't believe anyone can have sympathy for him.

For one thing he's one of the few not dead.
For another his life wasn't so horrible that he should have brought it to these levels.

I spent a good decade of my life in a sham of a best friendship where everyone around us thought that I was the darkness to her light when it was completely wrong. We would do, talk and like the same things yet somehow everything I did was bad or unimportant and everything she did was good and AMAZING. Did it piss me off? Yes. Am I still bitter? A little, yes because I wasted so much time being around people and caring about people that were completely biased just because I was a different race and they didn't know me as long.

To use the excuse that his dad cared more about O as an excuse for trying to ruin the guys life and push him to murder is asinine. He had friends that adored him, girls liked he wasn't the MAIN star, boo freaking hoo. He wasn't hated, shunned and thought of as complete badness.

Sympathy for Hugo, oh please.
And while I'm at it, I don't have much sympathy for O. I felt bad for him up until he decided to KILL people over such a small thing. So the chick cheated on you, GET OVER IT. He had a promising career where all the white women he could dream of would be clawing at him. What a weak minded individual. If a person would stoop to those levels over an act that happens to thousands all over ALL the time then they're not all that right in the head, in the first place. And drugs aren't an excuse either.

The only character I felt bad for was Desi. She did NOTHING wrong, was a great girlfriend, supportive and got her virginity taken away violently to the point where she cried and then had to be choked to death. Julia's acting was on point, as Desi was dying her eyes just looked like "Why are you doing this to me?" Sad. The only victim in this whole thing. Well Michael too.

"Hm. Never disposed of sewage with a toilet before. Obvious, really."- Rorschach


Life can be rough but to concoct a plan that murders people for your own glory?
Psycho. I don't pity psychos.

Define "opinion" then get back to me.


I agree with the left side of this thread and so no I don't sympathize with Hugo. Hugo wasn't going through anything that no one else hadn't gone through before. Ok you work hard but can't be MVP, maybe basketball isn't where you're going to shine, try something new. Hell Hugo might have been a killer hockey player something.

I can understand his feelings, his Dad wasn't right for that, but not even what he was thinking about doing. Don't be jealous just step up or step out.


"Killer" hockey player. Nice.
Agree with everything you wrote. Life is not smooth sailing, but his life was nowhere near bad.
Entitled, psycho brat is all he was.

Define "opinion" then get back to me.


lol... you people scare me.




I feel nothing for Hugo but contempt. I for one had a bad childhood it sucked but not for a minute did i contemplate or would do what this jerk did. I think Hugo's behavior has nothing to do with him feeling left out he's just a bad mind person. I felt sorry for Oden out of all for he's the only outsider at that school i can only imagine how he feels. Anyway i hated Hugo and wanted nothing but awful things to happen to him in prison.


Absolutely not. He's handsome, but that's about it. Envy is never attractive. He was a selfish bastard. Iago in the play, on the other hand, I have a tiny bit of sympathy for, but that's totally different.

A bit of the old ultraviolence...
