I have been conveinced that this is a real documentary for years and it is one of my favorites. but my friend said it was fiction becuase of the switch between camera shots and the other camera not being visible during the same shot. the sound matches perfectly but the shots dont add up.fact or fiction?
(sorry this is a pooly written post, tired and at work..long day)
In response to all saying that because they appear to be acting that makes it not a documentary, do you have any idea what films are!?! nearly all documentaries have some set up scenes to aid the narrative, and it may just be that they ask the participents to re-cover a sequence to get it from another angle. at the end of the day this movie is sheer genius and has a huge following in the UK. Can't wait to see if more of Mark and Mike will be pushed into the mainstream!
This question kind of pisses me off. I can't imagine anyone Wanting to fake these characters. These dudes are real dudes and barely affected by the fact that a camera is watching their lives. The movie's replete with reality.
I noticed that my uncle was in one of the prodeuction meeting scenes, he has lived in CA all his life and starred as an extra in a few movies. Ill talk to him about it and see what he has to say
How can it be a mocumentary? A mocumentary is a fake documentary. Documentaries have scripts, takes and the whole works the same as normal films. They also have editing lol. Some are made with cheap equipment and others with high-tech. The aussie film "KENNY" is the perfect example of a mocumentary.
I love how Dante12 first claimed it's totally fake, then when confronted with numerous people's accounts, changed his/her postion to "it isn't technically a documentary." Then after pscheehle's incredibly well informed post, Dante12 vanished altogether. But not without first lying about his/her accomplishments and accusing everyone of working at Walmart and flipping burgers...
Though, it's good to see that the conversation here has progressed into subjects like Herzog and the nature of docs... So, thanks Dante12.