MovieChat Forums > Hard Ball (2001) Discussion > Worst film of all time?

Worst film of all time?

I don't understand how this movie was made. I understand that child
actors aren't supposed to be great, but where was the direction in this
film. This was the worst movie I have seen in a very long time. Reeves'
is the worst successful actor in Hollywood. It wasn't just the acting
though. The script itself was baseless. There was no character development, no plot development. Just big, fat, gaping holes all throughout. Bad scrip + bad actors + awful direction = bad movie. Just awful. The director of this film ought to be locked up.



i thought Keanu did a VERY good job. How come you don't???

"I don't shut up, I grow up. And when I look at you I throw up. Aaaaaaaaaaaa!"



This movie is easily one of the best sport movies ever. If you want to see worse movies go watch Freddie Vs. Jason, Jason X, Longest Yard, Air Bud sequels, and a lot more. My point is you may have not liked this movie, but it's far from the worst movie ever.



I thought the film was reasonable. It wasn't too campy or anything, which was what I was expecting. Keanu Reeves isn't such a bad actor as people make out. He's not 'the best in the world' but people shouldn't be dissing him all the time!

Come on, people; if you think this is the worst movie of all time, you seriously need to see Batman and Robin.


Come on, people; if you think this is the worst movie of all time, you seriously need to see Batman and Robin.

Or "Ishtar"...


You know, there's a "worst movie ever" thread on pretty much every board.

My mind knows not the state of tiredness


I cant understand why everyone hates this movie! So what if Keanu cant act. A lot of u guys are complaining about the acting. If someone else had played the part, youd still probly be comlaining, just 4 the sake of doing so. All im tryin to say is if your gonna complain, come up with somethin else to complain about. Yes this acting could have been better, but this is still a good movie.


Was it as good as The Bad News Bears? No.
But was it as bad as that horrendous Sandlot 2 they put out on DVD? Hell no.


I agree that this movie was one of keanu's worst films. I can tell the movie was directed by someone who has no perspective on "the ghetto." It was bad acting, bad directing, and just poorly written. lol.. its hilarious to see this movie built on the stereotypes of "the ghetto"... i could tell in probably the first 15 min that some innocent little kid was gonna get killed from a gang shooting... it just wasnt realistic enough for me.. it didnt portray an accurate view of today's inner city life... and that was another factor that ruined the movie for me... i dont see how you can ignore the bad acting in this movie and call it good... it just doesnt cut it as a good movie



Ok... so when are movies only about good stories... im sorry.... but no matter how good a story is.. it doesnt automatically make it a good movie... it takes a good story, good acting, and good cinematography to make a good movie...


WTF?how could you say this movie has no charachter development?This film beautifully depicts the life and terror of modern slums like no other also has a strong resemblence to city of god, one of the best films ever made that shows children in an environment that corrupts and demoralizes their minds through violence and poverty.This movie isn't stupid, you just missed the point.

ps. keanu reeves did suck in this film



damn...i know there's a "worst movie ever" on practically every film file on the imdb, and i can't figure out which movie IS the worst i've ever seen...but hell, THIS WAS BAD!!! i respect the right for everyone to have his own opinion, and i'll therfeore express mine: this movie was plain lame. one thing i really have problems with is when movies are made to make the audience cry using the same tricks and rules that every other handkerchief-movie has used before. no inventivity at all...just applying recipes that have proved to work perfectly on the "less-than-50-year-old-housewife" like we call this in my country. i call that cheap emotion.i perfectly respect and support the choice of the subject, the will to show a certain reality often forgotten by the people...but that doesn't make a good movie. at all. and there are many films that were built from great ideas but hella s*cked anyways. honorable subject...but stinky screenplay and more than cheesy tearjerking processes!!!


k i was too lazy to read every single post through, so sorry if someone already said this but i just wanna say this: this movie is pretty much love or hate so im not going to scream at you like an idiot if you hated it. but i LOVE this movie insanely. i absolutely bawled from the point when g-baby, well, you know right up until the end. it was that painful to me. not just because of how sad it was, and how little the coffin was, but because 2 friends of mine very close to me were shot to death a few years ago. so if you think this movie was dumb, whatever, make fun of keeanu reeves, but no matter what: this movie was powerful, the last half or so at least. please dont yell at me for liking this movie or saying my opinion. its kind of annoying.

DK4L hehe <333


this movie was pretty good


It always shocks me when someone insults this film. Never in my life have I ever heard of a person not loving this movie. Sure, Keanu Reeves sucks. But I had to laugh at the kids... they reminded me of so many people. It was extremely realistic to me, and the kids really were great (especially Jefferson. The scene where he gets beat up gets me every time).


omg me too im like 'stop! i love jefferson! hes just a kid!!'

DK4L hehe <333



I like what you stated. The gambling addiction is probably not easy to internalize. The ghetto environment probably is so unfamiliar to most, that is seems exaggerated. So what! A very complex group of social elements surrounding a group of black youth and a gambling addict are woven together in a less than 2 hr movie. It's kind of hard to imagine that so many "worst movie ever" posts would be thrown at "Hardball", unless you consider the racist element. That breaks my heart! I am a white, over 65+, Caucasian female. OH! and by the way, I voted TRUMP! My heart goes out to these stories. I wish we had a way of going into these communities and finding ways to improve these areas, and at least my people safe and kids to have good things to do and not have gangs--anywhere. My heart was very touched in this story. And I know it is in our greater America.


it was a great film....Much better than the crap they're making these days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Why is this topic always made in every movie? Over ****ing hundred times!! lol Just funny.


Because some people, when they hate a movie so much, need reassurance that other people share their opinion.

However worthless their opinion may be.


I like when you call me big Poppa!
Why people which dont understand simple story and movie, hate so much K.R. ????
Wanna reason for not understanding emotions of movies. Then dont watch it at all and DONT WRITE ON NET HOW SMART YOU ARE CAUSE U HATE POTATO OR CARROT!

I dont see every movie like good one but, put ur hate somewhere else, go in gym or some other hate taking activity! Annoying flies.


It was a great movie, Diane Lane is in it, isn't she?

This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.
