Its sad she is turning out the way she is. Even if she is not a low-life, she is still presenting herself as one. The ignorance of some of the posters is disappointing but not unexpected. The standards have simply fallen and more of the youth are believing this type of lifestyle/image is acceptable. No one is saying she has to be a perfect angle, but goodness why embrace such a classless and trashy look?... Can't people at least be decent?
"You are all worse people than she is, coming here to slander her because she isn't like you. She's always very nice in interviews. And she's free to dress as she wants, heck, she's free to live the life she wants!
You're disgusting. Clearly a bunch of narrow-minded, malicious bigots. The ones preaching about decency anyway are always the ones having the worst skeletons in their closets. Snakes hiding behind the mask of decent people."
LOL....what a putz! Obviously this poster is probably about on the same level and was upset about being called out. Oh well! :)
xakanis is just a dumb kid so thats no bother.
"Stop a horrible American tragedy. End Women's suffrage now!"