the little girl Cindy

She was so adorable in this movie, and now she looks like a road wh ore :( same as Darla from Little Rascals, and let's not forget Lindsey Lohan. It's sad how this always happens to child stars...

"Rated PG for mild language and brief video images of violence and sexy dancing"


She's such a slut!


OMG, ease up. Like you're pure as the driven snow...

Honestly, I think she's at least more talented musically than say Miley Cyrus.


Have you seen her in anything that backs up what you said. But sadly this can happen to child stars, that might not have gotten a normal childhood, where are either playing with thier friends, or in school instead of making movies. Even if they only do make one movie. Are you sure you can even through Darla in as well, or the actress that plays her.



I don't know much about Taylor Momsen but if we're just going by her looks I don't see what the issue is. What's wrong with a girl dressing a bit edgy? Just because she wears leather and dark makeup doesn't make her a slut. I think she looks really good.



She became a Gossip Girl.




18 months later, but I was thinking the same thing. She was such a cute little kid in this film, and now she's some kind of teenage goth slut whore. What a waste of space.


Why is she a slut, because she dresses a certain way? How close minded are all of you? Let's see now, at 7 she is in major movies, then is star in a huge T.V. hit show. Then she writes her own music and tours with her own band, The Pretty Reckless, all over the world. What have you done lately? Maybe it's just a "style" she likes? Is there a dress sense that says I'm an ignorant fool? That might be your attire.


TV (NOT "T.V."). No periods necessary.


People in glass houses.......
Not is how it is spelt, N in upper case, o and t in lower case.
And thus concludes our English lesson for today. Back to our regular scheduled program.


Taylor Momsen, yeah, she was a cute little girl in the movie. But she sure has changed since that role.


From Cindy Lou Who to Cindy Lou WOW!


this is what modeling and "f@cking rock n roll man!!" can do to pretty little girls in the industry. For what is worth, I don't think she's that slutty for a rock "star".

now this is acting:


What a bunch of gross retards most of you are.

Does she have to stay the same as when she was a little kid ?

Let the girl live her own life instead of calling her slutty and a whore because of how she likes to dress.

Bunch of prissy little primadonnas...


She is not a slut. Plus she doesn't have any mental issues, drug problems, or alcohol addictions.

She's just mature for her age and has changed a lot.

I think Nicholas Sparks is a terrible author
