MovieChat Forums > The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) Discussion > What was the point of waiting until the ...

What was the point of waiting until the last moment to start shooting at Helms Deep?

I can't remember how it was in the book, but this one thing still makes no sense to me. From a military point of view, wouldn't it be better to start shooting arrows at the Uruk-hai as soon as possible to inflict as much damage as possible? Why do they wait until the last moment and have this dramatic standoff? Please explain.


It was the etiquette at the time.


I do not know if this makes a difference, but each person only had so many arrows on hand. If you just wildly start firing as soon as they get in range, you will be wasting most of your ammunition. Best to wait until they are at a point when you know you have the best chance at hitting them.

That being said, the etiquette argument made by leader is pretty good. That could actually be what was going on.
