Strongest of the trilogy?
shareFor me the movie is incredible, until the Army of the Undead. Way to overpowered. They should have kept to the Aragorn bringing Gondor reinforcements via the Black Ships, that's far more realistic even for this fantasy series.
When the green army of the undead is climbing up the oliphaunts like ants on a slab of beef, I just roll my eyes.
When the green army of the undead leader asks Aragorn to release him and his "lads" I scream at the TV and yell "Aragorn, tell them they have to fight with you at the Black Gate and then they will be released." Like seriously, take them along to the Black Gate and have them steamroll all of Sauron's "10,000" remaining Orcs and Mountain Trolls.
He promised them that he was going to release them, and Aragorn is a man of honor.
shareTrue that, I thought the same thing, but he said "fight for me and I will hold your oaths fulfilled", he should have said "oh, I meant more than one battle, now lets go to the Black Gate and end this!"
share"he should have said 'oh, I meant more than one battle, now lets go to the Black Gate and end this!' "
Haha yeah indeed but well this is the kind of thing that you have to specify since the beginning. It's like a contract, if it isn't written black on white well it's not part of it.
But he was indeed not really specific so he could have twisted it at the end but well... That would have probably pissed them off, first. And second, I think he actually felt that they had fulfilled their contract.
He should have said something like "fight with me UNTIL THE END and I will hold your oaths fulfilled". In this case, it would had been clear that he was asking for more than just a fight.
Also, if I remember the scene accurately, when the undead leader asked Aragorn to release them, he looked and sounded like if he had enough of this shit. So maybe Aragorn just didn't feel it was appropriate to ask them for more considering that they honored their promise and helped them win that fight.
In conclusion, he technically could had asked for more, but probably felt like this wouldn't make him look like a man faithful to his words.
I think they tried to cram too much into one movie. They did the opposite on the Hobbit and added in a bunch of unnecessary Hollywood filler. LOTR could have been 5 or 6 movies and the Hobbit could have been 2.
- They totally f-cked over Saurman by not even having him in the movie and what pisses me off even more is that they filmed a perfectly good death scene yet for some reason didn't include it. They should have incorporated the Scouring of the Shire and taken out endings 4 and 5
- Legolas and Gimli have basically been reduced to comic relief, Gimli for some reason was turned into the Jar Jar Binks of Middle Earth and Legolas is a border line Marty Stu.
- We get more of Arwen's stupid subplot about whether she is going to leave Middle Earth and why exactly is her fate tied to the ring??? WTF, when was that ever a plot point?
- They completely dropped the ball on Denethor
- The Beacon scene was stupid and Theoden completely contradicts himself, he says why should he help Gondor when Gondor wouldn't help him when I don't ever seem to remember him asking for help?
- The Witch King's death was a complete joke although it was pretty much the same as the book so whatever
- The film starts several subplots that were in the book but doesn't go all the way through so it doesn't really make a whole lot of sense (why did Denthor turn into such a douche? Why were Eowyn and Faramir in love? Where was Gollum when he said he was "sneaking"? Why would Sauron ever think Pippin had the ring?). So in the end it just comes across as half assed
- I will never forgive the film for what it did with the Army of the Dead who have been reduced to Pirate Ghosts
- The Siege of Gondor is basically Helms Deep 2.0
- I didn't like the Gondor Theme
- The whole theme about death only being the beginning is so in your face, lacks any form of subtlety that it doesn't come across nearly as intelligent as it seems to think it is.
Lord of the Rings isn't a trilogy and even if it was Part III is by far the weakest. I will never forgive Peter Jackson for what he did to the Pirate Ghosts.
shareStrongest of the trilogy?
I think it’s not a trilogy, it’s a story the book publisher broke into three parts. In fact, I know it is.
EDIT Sorry, SpaceAce, I missed your post.
At the time I remember this one had near universal hype around it, not to mention all the awards & acclaim it recieved like it was the greatest movie ever made. I just didn't get it at the time and still don't. I always felt that Fellowship was definitely the strongest & the films actually got weaker with each subsequent installment.