I think 7 is quite fair and we must remember the people like it because of its charm. It has a lot of sweet, sincere, human moments, like the exquisite monologue by Kurt Russell. What a wonderful scene and excellente script-writing! All those things he said are so true, that a lot of people JUST WANNA GET HIGH and give the folks want they want and let them party, they're plenty happy doing menial tasks like sweeping and taking out the trash.
Well I like it but I use a four-star system (with **** being the highest), so just off the cuff I would give it 2-1/2 to 3 stars. But if others want to give it four stars, that's fine by me. They just liked it a lot more and that is their prerogative.
I think I have seen it 2-3 times already and I have my favorite scenes, other scenes seem more like filler, for example the one with Ann-Margret. I like the scene with the gal in the mini-skirt, especially when the guy tells her she will never know if he was the perfect lay. GREAT DIALOGUE! Also the scenes where that fellow uses his strapped-on dynamite routine to get people's attention are PRICELESS!