
You can tell this movie was made before "diversity" became a thing.



Fuzzdunlop, I'd be surprised if ninac4116 was worried about the lack of an old, old wooden ship, but nice try.


Yes, in fact the civil rights movement hadn't even taken place yet in the late 90's! There were never any interracial casts of any movies or tv shows until 2013! /s


Of course there have been interracial casts, but it's only in recent years that the lack of diversity in Hollywood has really been highlighted to the extent that things are actually starting to change. In the late 90s, the standard for mainstream films and TV shows was still to have a predominantly white cast with a few token characters of other ethnicities. Which is true for AP as well - everyone is white except a few minor characters that barely have any screen time.


Or before foreign actors started coming en masse. For instance, the entire main cast is American, but today they would be made up of Brits, Aussies, Irish, Canadians -- all playing Americans, of course. Look at the shows/movies today.




Seriously? Diversity was a thing long before this film (which I've never seen) came out---plus it has nothing to do with this film anyway.


What the OP means is that it's only in recent years that the lack of diversity in Hollywood has really been highlighted to the extent that things are actually starting to change. 15-20 years ago, when AP was made, the standard for mainstream films and TV shows was to have a predominantly white cast with a few token characters of other ethnicities. Which is true for AP as well - everyone is white except a few minor characters that barely have any screen time. Since then, awareness has been raised and while there's still a long way to go, there's been a lot of progress. There are so many aspects to this issue, but it seems like filmmakers, financiers and audiences are gradually moving away from this notion that the 'default setting' should be white, straight, cis-gender, etc, and that diversity is a threat to commercial appeal.


and now movies are bombing at the boxoffice due to the forded diversity you were praising here.........

feels good man!








It's nostalgic to watch its refreshing lack of diversity.




thomas ian nickolas is arab!!
