MovieChat Forums > Get Real (1999) Discussion > Get Real vs. Beautiful Thing

Get Real vs. Beautiful Thing

I'm a straight girl but I really love gay romance movies (I dunno) and this one is the best I've ever seen (as well as Maurice - Hugh Grant is so dreamy in that movie!).

I watched another gay romance/coming out movie today called Get Real 'cause some people told me if I liked Beautiful Thing I'd really love Get Real, which has similar themes, and well, I didn't! It has some good acting (and some horrible acting!) but it has none of the charm and simple beauty of Beautiful Thing. I've seen Beautiful Thing over and over again but I could barely make it through Get Real!

For those who have seen both, which do you prefer!


Ain't seen Beautfiul Thing, but I disagree about GR!

But I can't compare the two tho!


You gotta see Beautiful Thing. It rocks.



I agree with most of what you say, but I do have one disagreement. You say Steven easily leaves John. But I feel that it's John who leaves Steven, and that the ending is hard, not easy.

With the realization that their relationship is starting to become known, John panics and begins to distance himself from Steven, lying to his parents about how well they know each other. And while, a few minutes later, John shows affection toward Steven in the locker room, his subsequent physical attack on Steven surely must tell Steven that the relationship is doomed.

I believe it is the realization that the relationship is over -- because John can't handle people knowing he's gay -- that, more than anything else, spurs Steven to come out to the whole school. Sure, there are other motivating factors, but I think Steven's love for John was so great, he would have endured just about anything to keep the relationship going. John ended it, and he did so through his extreme -- and understandable -- insecurity. Finally, from the looks on the faces of those two when they part, nothing about their relationship ending is easy.




Both are great films, and remind me of each other. Get Real had the down ending where A beautiful thing takes the same scenario and gives it the happy "Hollywood Ending" which is common in mainstream movies but rare in gay indy cinema.


I prefer Beautiful Thing. I think it is a bit more realistic than Get Real. The scene of Steven coming out when thanking for the award is such a cliché...


I liked Get Real. I liked the relationship between Steven and John. I loved John's scene in Steven's bedroom and I loved the musical score. The coming out speech was not needed. What was interesting in Get Real is that we see two teenage boys trying to discover their sexualities and their attraction for one another. But only one decides to pursue his sexuality and accept it. In Beautiful Thing, both boys decide to stay together.


Beautiful Thing was the better one for me. Largely for the reason's xfile has written. Get Real had a few cliches I cringed at.


i like them both as me both are the same except with different endings.


I enjoyed both for different reasons.... Beautiful thing was more dramatic and had interesting layers to it. Get real was a laugh; it was more a feel good moivie for me...




I liked both of them. The two were similar but I wouldn't compair them. If you go for realism then Beautiful Thing wins out by far. But Get Real doesn't seem to be going for realism. Quite frankly it seems to be going for the average love story. How many realistic straight movies are there? Compare that to how many you like.


Yeah, the speech in Get Real is a bit purposeful and dramatic.
Beautiful Thing's got this innocent and realistic feeling to it and more importantly, instead of focusing on the tender love between the boys it intertwined many other equally moving and realistic plot and emotional lines such as Jamie's mother's struggle, the vividly potrayed emotional bond between mother and son, the ecentric but good natured girl Leah etc.
BT is so heart-warming.


Beautiful Thing. I appreciate both movies, and I like them both. But for me, definitely Beautiful Thing. It’s so sweet, sincere, tender, heartwarming, and well, beautiful.

“Clowns never laughed before, beanstalks never grew, ponies never ran before, ‘til I met you.”


I couldn't choose. There are many memorable and tender moments in each film.



Agreed. Beautiful Thing has quickly moved into the category of my favorite movies ever, and Get Real doesn't even come close.


BT blew me away - just about all of it, the music, the writing, the performances. That first scene on Jamie's bed was amazing - "Hello!" It is one of my favorite gay films - right up there with Just a Question of Love (so a bit above Summer Storm and Latter Days).

That said, this is not a zero sum game. GR has some fine performances (and at least one kind of weak one), some touching moments and some worthwhile insights you don't get from BT. So I would not be so quick to dis it.

"Nothing personal. Your name just happened to come up."


Beautiful Thing is much funnier but I prefered Get Real on the whole.
