Is it realistic?

I absolutely adored this film, it was so funny and romantic but also very emotional.

I was wondering, is the gay relationship played realistically? I found I could totally relate to it but I don't know if it was a good representation.
I'm just interested to hear what people thought.


I don't think it was realistic. I've never had a relationship like it and I doubt that the High School stud would date the awkward and geeky queer no matter how horny he was. But, I loved it!

"Pray to Jesus; God's too busy."- Spencer McNeil


That is what makes it so awesome -- It is extremely realistic. We have all lived "parts" of the movie. The scene in the "loo" at the beginning is right on; the way Steven stares longingly at the athletic field during the Romeo/Juliet class; so many parts of the movie are right out of our lives. The only scene that I couldn't quite believe was the speech that Steven gave at the school assembly. I could never do that -- but I could feel and understand every other scene in the movie.

Johnny made a big mistake at the end -- his fear of being found out will leave him unfulfilled. If I were Johnny, I would have followed Steven anywhere on earth -- I might have tried to stay in the closet, but I would have found SOME reason to explain why Stephen and I were inseparable.

Here is another thought -- most of us have been in love several times in our lives -- and most of us still have extreme love for past boyfriends -- and many of us would quickly return to a previous love if the opportunity arose.

Fact: they both love each other. They will never forget each other. No one forgets their first love. So I believe (hope) that at some time in the future (when Steven gets to college) he will get a phone call -- it will be Johnny -- Steven will melt on the phone and they will be back together.

PS: If you think Steven was awesome in this movie, rent "The Browning Version" and you will see some of the exact same facial expressions and mannerisms in both movies. Ben Silverstone is Awesome!


Thanks! I will look out for 'The Browning Version'

Loool! That is definitely what I'm hoping for! Lots of people were really upset with the ending but I'm holding to the belief that they will someday find each other again.

I thought Johnny was a bit of a wimp at the end. I mean, I realise it would be hard but he could at least have tried to make it work (glad someone feels the same!).

Ben Silverstone ROCKS!


I found it very emotionally raw and gut wrenching.
The fact is John Dixon was so entrenched in his own double life
that he was incapable of changing
or adapting quickly to a new way of living.
He couldn't give up the only way of life he's ever known.
He lectured Steven Carter about being himself
and stop denying who he was and yet he wouldn't
tell his parents he was gay, nor Kevin, not anyone.
John Dixon lied to Steven Carter and treated him with such disrespect.
All this BEFORE he was he punched and kicked him in the locker room.
John denied that Steven Carter stayed over at his house,
denied knowing him well enough when his Dad inquired about
the pictures Steven Carter had taken.
John hated the fact Steven wrote the censored gay article.
All this before "The Speech".
Steven had had enough of John Dixon's lies and cruelty.
John proved to be a hypocrite, a liar and an physical abuser.
The affair was over before "The Speech."
Steven had to come to his senses and realize this was not about
just being gay, but of basic decency and respect towards Steven.
Even Steven was lying to cover up John's deceit.
I realize that John Dixon was only thinking of himself and his image.
It would be very unlikely he would "Be Happy" anytime soon.
John Dixon would of stayed as long as possible in the closet
and nearly 10 years later, he's probably still there.


Pleasant greetings rreynolds2. It's been 8 months since I'm in the UK and I've now signed up to Since I don't have cable TV, you can imagine how much I'm missing. When I discovered this website and this movie...I thought to myself...I want ALL the movies in the world with this theme.

So..I guess what I'm asking is for all your dvd collections involving such class first teen love (or preteen?)....It'd be awesome...cheers give more relevant comments to your reply.../
I totally agree with you dude..I would follow Steven anywhere on earth..but in real life, real people know love is blind.. Real life is way too stressful..and that kind of love is idealistic in my opinion. But remnember too..idealism is not to be mistaken for weakness


Kerwen kandel


Theres another British film in the same genre called Beautiful Thing, its good too, cept for the fashion (Blergh!)

Hmm anymore... wait let me check my collection... *goes to collection*

You could also try Summer Storm which is a german film, but tis very very very good. Also prehaps Dorian Blues which is also good, but a tad depressing.

well hope it helps!

Tally Out


is it possible to find The Browning Version"
on dvd?


What I don't understand, is what steven sees in John. The post John-Hugues cliché that all geeks in high school yearn to befriend the popular kids that torment them is complete bull. I am a gay kid that finished high school 3 years ago (though I was'nt out back then)find this idea to be offensive and completly illogical! But that's just my opinion. I want to know what other kids think of this


it does seem a bit...whats the word..yeah ill just go with unrealistic. john was a complete arse for the way he treated steven, and ....idk i just..dont belive it.



There is no GOOD or BAD because if you ask around you will here some crazy things about how guys meet , the problems they encounter and all that jazz.i think the best part of the story is it creates a beleivabl community with human characters who are not super gay or super defiant or depressed and then they kinda of let the movie live thats what makes the ending so great cause it doesnt or dramtize the break up it just says "well thats life" and moves on



totally. this movie is SO realisitc, i can't fathom how anyone could say it isn't. There are so many instances of men leading a double life- having wives and children, and gay sex and/or love on the side. and, as much as I HATE to admit it, many gay people feel so alienated and dismissed as teenagers, that they crave acceptance by the "mainstream" which in high school translates to "the In-crowd". Unfortunately, many (* please keep in mind that the word MANY does not mean 'most') gay individuals develop crushes/feelings/infatuations with the very people that may torment them. Actually, it transcends sexual orientation. Many kids in general secretly want to be part of the popular cliques in school even if they are treated like sh-t by that clique.



The ending is more realistic than Beautiful Thing's. The idea of one of the guys not accepting their sexuality is more realistic than two gay boys dancing together in front of everyone in the middle of a South London council estate!


The film in general is quite realistic. The coming out scen is not


In an interview on the DVD, director Simon Shore says they met a 16 year old boy at that school in Basingstoke, who came out by writing an essay and reading it to his English class... so I wouldn't say the coming out scene is totally unrealistic...



i thought it was very realistic, the only scenes that i didnt find to be realistic was the scene in the bathroom where the guys meet and especially the coming out scene in front of the whole school


I have always thought that Get Real was realisatic. I have meet a few guys in my life just like John who is afraid to come out and would rather hide from everyone and lie to make his life easier.

Steven remind me of myself at his age, ready to be free from lieing to eveyone and ready to be himself. Sometimes it takes more work to hide than it does to be yourself and be able to live your life.

I feel maybe that is why I have always loved this movie because it has alot of moments that are very similer to my teenage years.


The romantic relationship was romanticised, as often in movies.

Gay relationships are often very romantic, though. That's the one thing we've got to go by! It's not as if the pressure of the mortgage and the in-laws were to keep us interested.

Snobbery is a form of romanticism, the chastity of the perfectionist


The romantic relationship was romanticised, as often in movies.

This is the most "realistic" thing I've seen on this thread - VERY ASTUTE. Here's someone who understands life (and the way it is portrayed in the movies . . . having just seen this film, I think I might be a tad older than most of the contributors here). I don't know why we would expect a portrayal of a same-sex romance to be any less "romanticized" than most on-screen romances are. And love the thing about the mortgage and in-laws.
This thread reminds me of one I saw on FB once about Brokeback Mountain. Someone made the (ridiculously ignorant) comment that there "weren't any gay cowboys(!)" You can imagine the thread that developed under THAT one. I said, "I suppose there aren't any gay professional athletes, either? Because that's basically what you're saying."

What first caught my eye was your tag line. In my opinion, snobbery AND chastity are both forms of vanity. Discuss . . .
