Scariest moment.

What was your scariest moment?

Honestly I think it wasn't as scary as the first one, but three parts that hit me were:

1. The licker crawls past the window making no noise.

2. Zombie arms flying out of the windows.

3. Licker crashing through the interrogation mirror.

For fun, when I was playing it and my friend was watching me, I didn't tell him about #3 and just watched his reaction when I went there. He curled up like a ball briefly. Hilarious.


The part where, in the back of the police station (in the place where you pick up the valve), zombies come through the door as you try and go through it.

I was NOT expecting this, as the game had never done it before (or after, come to think of it) and I was "safe" in that brief grace period of the door-opening loading screen, then BAM!! COMPLETE WITH TERRIFYING MUSIC PROVIDED BY THAT GHASTLY, SHRILL STRING SECTION!!

Didnt dare open a door for the rest of the game, constantly expecting it to happen again.

If ignorance is bliss it's astonishing that there aren't more happy people in the world...


-covers face- I think I'm the only one terrified by the huge alligator.. I've never been past that part on my own. >_<


Thought I was gonna be the only one to say the alligator, too! The first shock is bad, but then that crawl toward you that fills the hallway (which dead-ends at a locked door)...gah! The soft heavy footsteps that you later see to be caused by giant spiders on the walls & ceiling were bad, too.


the thing that crawls inside chief irons and that guy in the prison cell, then pops out of them later when you see them. Also the hands out of the walls.



Pretty much those three for me too. In RE3, Nemesis will scare the crap out of the player too but when they're already far off the game, the music suddenly changes which let players know that Nemesis is coming which can ruin the scares but intensify the suspense.


My scariest moments:

The licker crashing the one-way mirror in the interrogation room

Mr. X crashing through the wall, and then again a minute later

The giant spiders, especially in the second sewer tunnel with the waterfall, because they get up close to the camera and crawl all over it. It's not good when you have a big screen HDTV.

The alligator jumping out of the sewage water.

The licker in the laboratory that drops from the ceiling

The zombies that reach out through the boarded window, and then in the B game, crash through

The character falls through the upper walkway in the library. The noise.

Giant spiders in general, because I hate spiders!

The ivy plants that vine whip you after you think they're dead.

The licker falling through the skylight in the room where you get the King Plug.
