MovieChat Forums > What Lies Beneath (2000) Discussion > Why does Michelle Pfeiffer look so old i...

Why does Michelle Pfeiffer look so old in this movie?

She was 41/42 but looks to be in her 50s. Now that I saw recent pics of her she looks to be in her mid to late 60. Is it because she is blonde and fairskinned or due to bad lifestyle habits like drinking and drugs?


Are you kidding me? I would've made 10 babies with her


Are u CRAZY, OP? What are 18-year-old moron???

She was about 40 or 41 when she made the film, and could have easily passed for 37. She's a beautiful woman, and you are a dirilect.


This is what media and plastic surgery has done to our perception of beauty. She is stunning in this flick.


I think because she is so thin she always looks a little gaunt and that adds to her age.


Wow - i think its called ............Dun dun durrrrrrrrn Age!!
Why do you look like you do??


I'm 44 and she looked older than me, but I look young for my age (most people guess that I'm in my late 20s to mid 30s). I thought she looked her age in this movie, and more importantly, she looked really, really good, which is more than most women can say at the age of 42. Women usually go downhill fast starting when they hit about 30.



She looked very nice, as usual.
