"uncut" dicks
In the episode "Old Dogs, New Dicks" Charlotte pretty much is repulsed by a normal healthy penis and forces her boyfriend-of-the-day to have it chopped off.
Afterwards she's happy, and the girls have a discussion about normal dicks vs mutilated ones casually sharing their opinions as if they were talking about their favorite color.
Has anybody ever apologized for that crap?
I understand for some retrograds it's not such an issue, but times have changed and, unless it's a show about ignorant idiots or strong religious beliefs, there's no place for such casual talk about genital mutilation.
Even more so for such a hip show like this was at the beginning of the century: the 4 ladies are open to anything (literally) yet they don't think that the wellbeing and respect of the fulcrum of such activity, of the swivel around which their lives revolves, of the object of their desires, deserves much thought.
Can we get some thoughts for "uncut" dicks, which is the equipment "unfemale" humans are born with?