"uncut" dicks

In the episode "Old Dogs, New Dicks" Charlotte pretty much is repulsed by a normal healthy penis and forces her boyfriend-of-the-day to have it chopped off.
Afterwards she's happy, and the girls have a discussion about normal dicks vs mutilated ones casually sharing their opinions as if they were talking about their favorite color.

Has anybody ever apologized for that crap?
I understand for some retrograds it's not such an issue, but times have changed and, unless it's a show about ignorant idiots or strong religious beliefs, there's no place for such casual talk about genital mutilation.

Even more so for such a hip show like this was at the beginning of the century: the 4 ladies are open to anything (literally) yet they don't think that the wellbeing and respect of the fulcrum of such activity, of the swivel around which their lives revolves, of the object of their desires, deserves much thought.

Can we get some thoughts for "uncut" dicks, which is the equipment "unfemale" humans are born with?


I watched this show when it was new just to get a few laughs. None of the female characters were relatable to me, but it was obvious that the writers were pushing to create an aura about them that reflected their own cynical, yet hopeful view of femininity. I just thought it was mindless entertainment. SJP was kinda hot in the early/mid 80s when she was making movies and playing a sexy teenage ditz. Her role in SitC was an extension of that. It was fun to watch, but I could never take any of it seriously.


America and non-religious circumcision are an odd thing.

Not trying to be overly-graphic, but for my viewpoint I'm a gay guy.

I'm cut, and aesthetically I prefer cut ones as well, but it's not something that's a deal-breaker either way. Most I've encountered have been cut. I have no memories or trauma surrounding being cut. If I wasn't cut, I don't know if I would've taken it upon myself to do so, because I'm at least happy it occurred before I could remember, and I'm not upset with my parents about it. Kind of glad I was spared extra conversations with them about proper cleaning or whatever


I'm glad it worked out for you.

But your rights have been needlessly violated anyway, and there's millions of guys not happy about it. To me, you are like that one lucky girl that is ok after being raped, not traumatized nor angry, she's just gonna move on. She is lucky to feel like this after having her body violated unwittingly.

That's why, when it comes to others bodies, there is only one possible right choice: leave that choice to each body owner.


"I'm cut, and aesthetically I prefer cut ones as well, but it's not something that's a deal-breaker either way."

I never had to make that choice fortunately, but I much prefer a circumcised penis to an uncircumcised one, and it's not even close. I'm probably on the low side of experience for most girls my age, but cut penises not only are more aesthetically pleasing, they feel better as well. Uncut penises have narrow heads like cigars when the foreskin rolls back. Gross.


I see that your ignorance is strong on this.
Not only all your statements here are dictated by your lack of experience and knowledge, but you are also fine with your ignorance affecting the human rights of others.
"Uncircumcised" vaginas, exactly like yours Sue, have the same problems you blame on normal, intact penises. Including your fabricated "narrow head like cigars". I bet cut vaginas conoisseurs "much prefer" you to fix it.
Should you snip it now or should somebody to do that for you, no matter your will and rights?


What has a vagina got to do with a cut or uncut penis argument, or "human rights" for that matter?? I really didn't t want to get that graphic, but most women prefer a larger glans and resulting helmet ridge that stimulates the g-spot, and penis cut from childhood leaves a penis with a larger helmet type glans. A foreskin is binding and leaves the penis more cigar or arrow shaped. I mean, if you don't believe that, I'm sure porn videos will bear this out. Further, most women prefer a cut penis in any case. For me, an anteater's snout has zero appeal, and my friends pretty much agree. Girls talk about these things more than you might image. Sorry if that's not what you want to hear.

As for me, I'm quite happy with my man's cut penis and it's resulting shape.


1 Obviously I am against any kind of unnecessary circumcision, male or female. Only ignorants like you don't see how they belong to the same argument, or how they relate to the violation of human rights.
2 Then you make another ignorant statement. Most women actually prefer a normal penis that slides in smoothly and doesn't grind or needs lube to function properly. Not to mention the reduced size of cut dicks, drier skin texture etc.
3 Again, more ignorance from you, talking about "cigar shape" only from your very limited experience and narrow mind. Foreskin has zero incidence on glans size. Proof of that is inside my pants, I have an intact dick and my mushroom glans will certainly shut you the fuck up once you see it.
4 Sure you can be happy with your man's dick, the point is not what your preference is (some other fool like you might prefer unrealistic plastic on a woman, or people with no ears for that matter). The point is for you to understand that it's NOT your right to think that unvoluntary, unnecessary amputation is normal or acceptable anymore.






I get it, you have an unattractive penis and have to live with it. i guess if I were you I'd make up all sorts of ridiculous arguments to defend it as well. I wish you well with that. But none of that will change what women greatly prefer.


Nope, you don't get shit. It's clear you are just trolling here.
I just explained you that this cigar bullshit is only in your tiny brain. But you keep repeating it because, afterall, your only motivation to write is to spew your ignorance, so why would you even listen?

I bet you just have a not-so-hidden hate against penises and men in general that you feel you can get your little revenge this way. I wish you got over your insecurity some way that did not literally hurt and violate others. But you are not here for learning, are you?


OK Stogie!


Don't waste your time mate. If she really is a girl, she knows that her prime value is how sexually attractive she is thus making all her good insults about just sexual attractiveness.

I mean, it's kind funny. I've had sex, more than once actually, and I've never ever stopped in my tracks thinking "Man, that' vajayjay is really ugly...". It just isn't relevant.


I have seen the debate heat up in recent years so here's my perspective. I'm cut and I wonder what it might have been like to be uncut. It doesn't bother me though as my parents made the best decision based on medical advice when I was born. I don't feel mutilated or less sensitive in any way. I think its funny to hear women have an opinion on this issue because they are likely the same people who think guys can't have an opinion on abortion because "My body my choice." If a woman is pregnant and about to have a son leave the decision about circumcision up to the Dad.


In your case, I am deeply insulted by how the "doctors" forced this ignorance on your parents for the sole purpose of their own monetary gain. I am sorry for you, your dick and your parents.
I am glad that you certainly try to take it in a positive way. But you should not be left to wander what it would be like to have your whole dick because of them. That is also what I am fighting for.

Your argument about women is interesting and correct, but about the final decision it also extends to the dads: in case of abortion, to continue your line of thought, no mom nor dad are gonna decide for the pregnant woman, she is the sole owner of her uterus and she owns every rights about it.
Same for the foreskin, the boy is the sole owner and no doctor, no mom nor dad should decide for him.

Anyway, I believe that even women who "prefer a cut dick" should still fight against unnecessary circumcision, understanding that their taste has zero weight over human rights.


You call it ignorance and I call it medical advice from the doctor when I was born in 1981. There's nothing wrong with either choice and as I said before I don't feel mutilated.


I said that the ignorants were the doctors.
How is it not utter ignorance to suggest to remove a perfectly healthy and functional part?

Do you live in a country with no water?

Any body part is at risk of malfunctioning if not properly kept. Why stop at the foreskin?
These "doctors" should get more money mutilating more stuff, like the ears, or some fingers, a testicle, and certainly the appendice. That one is way more dangerous and statistically malfunctioning than a foreskin.


they are likely the same people who think guys can't have an opinion on abortion because "My body my choice."

They can still have a preference cant they?
just not the right to tell their man which way to go.


I'm just making a comparision


Hey , circumcised guys , you might be all pleased with how much more pretty you think your dick looks ,
but lemme tell you - you're missing out.
Obviously a dick without its little jacket is going to have a de-sensitised sense of touch.
ergo sex feels twice as good to the un-circumcosed folk.


Circumcision is as common as is religion in the USA. It's mostly because quality education is still not widely available. One of the consequences of unbridled capitalism and the lack of a social democracy.


You don't really need a PhD to understand that unnecessary mutilation is total bullshit.
And education in USA is not that far behind the rest of the planet. Other than Europe, it's the most educated place.


That WAS. Underfunding has killed US schools.


Ok I understand that education plays an important role with people knowing facts.

But what about basic human rights? That shouldn't take a genius to figure out, or do you think nowadays Americans are really that misguided?


Misguided? They need general education and guide themselves!
Poorly educated people are too easily led by populists who only blame but never solve.


Yes that is all true, but this issue is so easy to figure out only a very ignorant or misguided person would believe it's right to keep cutting unwilling babies.
Like I said already, it wouldn't take a PhD to figure this one out.

I'm pretty sure most of these ignorant Americans with poor schooling that you depict as victims of the system, they have easy access to the internet via a smartphone at the very least. So, they could get informed and educated on the matter easily.


That's not how education works and you know that. Drop a smartphone in the lap of a toddler and it's up to them to become the next Bezos? It's trusting others to work together and keep a system where the trust can be perpetuated by rotating responsibilities and power so no single person becomes corrupted by them.
E.G. a social democracy. Like the US somewhat had for a while before Reagan. It's how there were unions and social security and infrastructure. And schooling advanced by science and peer reviews. Not by manipulations through donations.
There's no future for people who only look after themselves.


God demanded His chosen ones to have the "mark of the Covenant". 'Nuff said.


That is a better "reason" than the one given on this show.
Imagine that!


Today I watched this episode on DVD and I was disgusted at how they treated the subject. Circumcision is cruel when done on children. The scenes with Charlotte and her date was hopefully unrealistic. A man should never mutilate himself for a woman.


I know.
This is ignorance and hate of the worse kind, talking about nazism level.

It would be never too late for a public apology from those involved, recognizing their wrong.


At last, the unfailing accuracy of Godwin’s law is proven yet again! Just as he postulated some 30 years ago, any online thread that goes on long enough - even this interminable desire to discuss what others do with their penises - will ultimately result in glib comparisons to Nazis.


That is an unworthy comment.

What would you refer unwilling, unnecessary, "medical" mutilation to?
a Communism? b Monarchy? c Buddhism? d Nazism?
Let's see if you can pass this test, you glib historian.


I just see a little irony in referencing Nazism in a call to ban male circumcision central to the way of life to Jews (and Muslims). Next you’ll be quoting Antiochus Epiphanes. But, I’m not going to go round-and-round on it for three years.


Ok, I guess that is quite ironic indeed.
Still, nazism was not exactly just an anti Jewish party. They certainly were antisemitic, but they discriminated against a long list of people, lots of which had their full dick.
I was referring to their practice to inflict unnecessary medical procedures, experiment, torture and maim the people they discriminated against.

Unnecessary unvoluntary circumcision discriminates against everybody with a dick. Which incidentally is A LOT of people more than nazism ever discriminated against.


You’re okay Heisenberg. I don’t agree with you but, I respect your point and frankly don’t 100% disagree. I wish you and yours a happy and healthy new year.


Thank you BeaSouth,
same to you and yours, a happy and healthy new year!!!!



Those numbers reflect a spectacularly uneducated, undeveloped, unjust society.
Almost unbelievable for 2022.
