I wasn't allowed to "date" or even go in cars with boys. The only exception was a boy in the neighborhood was allowed to drive me to school but that wasn't until I was 17. I could go to a dance but I had a strict curfew of 10-11 and my dad admitted to following me there to make sure I went there. I had a boyfriend from 16-19 but I had to lie and sneak around. When they found out, all hell broke lose. They took the landline phone and Internet modem to work with them so I couldn't use it or contact him. I would use the Internet at the library and found ways around it.
The thing is - my parents were not and are not religious freaks. This is just how some parents are with girls. And when they aren't that way, if something happens to the girls, society says "well why weren't they keeping a better eye on them? Why were the girls allowed to be out that late? I'd never let me daughter leave the house dressed like that."
I think the religious aspect of this could be wiped away completely, because what is shocking is not that the daughters were isolated and protected in this way... No... The shock is that it isn't actually that shocking for girls to be treated this way. It isn't the parents alone, it's society as a whole that treated the girls like they didn't deserve free will, they cut down their tree, they controlled their movements, took their records, and when they got a taste of freedom, they were abandoned on a football field.
I think it's more about the Holy Madonna vs the Slut narrative then the parents