'On paper' they're comparable which, I assume, is why you openned this topic. But where '10 Things ...' succeeded in earning my respect and love, becoming a bianual viewing experience, 'Easy A' was ,to me, just another teen comedy.
Why? First reason is that if you're gonna make a romantic comedy you might wanna throw in some romance. That's where 'Easy A' failed in my opinion. Other then some loosely threaded crush on a school mascott, there was nothing to warm my heart, so to speak.
Second reason is the cast. 'Easy A' gave no room to the supporting cast. Not only were the majority of the actors so-so at best (except the parents, they rocked) the script didn't allow for any of them to shine.
Now '10 things..' shines in both departments. We have not one but two love-stories and most importantly 3 out of 4 characters are played by truely talented actors. And it shows. They are the ones that turn a silly comedy into a heartfelt romantic experience with some laughs thrown in. (okay alot of laughs).
Then comes the supporting cast. Whereas 'Easy A' used its secondary characters as tools to help the story go along, here they become part of said story, they are given enough screen-time to earn our liking and each one of them adds a little something to an already good movie, making it great in the process.
That's my 2 cents, or be it 20 :p. sorry for the long post.