Just finished the first season
A phenomenal show.
I'm 20 years late to the party, I know.
And have just ordered season 2 from my library.
A phenomenal show.
I'm 20 years late to the party, I know.
And have just ordered season 2 from my library.
You're never too late for a series like The Sopranos. The first 5 seasons are excellent so you've got 52 episodes of high quality television(more like 1 hour movies) to watch.
shareThe first 5 seasons are excellent so you've got 52 episodes of high quality television(more like 1 hour movies) to watch.Without spoiling anything, can you tell me what is wrong--in your opinion--with the final season? share
A pretty big dropoff in quality..it was quite obvious they ran out of ideas. Yes, there are still some iconic scenes but they are few and far between. The same thing happened to OZ, another one of my all time favorite shows.
shareIf I am you, I'm not approaching The Sopranos board until I finish all the seasons.
shareYes because its a shame other users are not thoughtful of others and post spoilers without warning
shareto be fair this show is a quarter of a century old
shareAnything less than 50 years old, spoilers should never be posted without warning
shareIf you liked first season , you will love the rest
shareSeason 2 is where things start getting crazy.
shareI never watched it until covid lock-down. We never were HBO subscribers. Plus I was kind of tired of mafia shows, thinking it had all been done. Everyone told me this was different but I didn't believe them. It really was!
I'm not a mob/mafia fan. At all. I haven't seen half the lauded mob movies that have been made or only seen bits of them. Most of the ones I have seen I've only seen once.
But I am a big fan of story telling. I loved the Sopranos during its run and I love the The Godfather I and II.
While I found The Sopranos *very* uneven in writing, overall, it was great story telling.
What do you mean it was very uneven in writing?
It's been years since I've seen it (first run on HBO) and haven't seen it since, so I can't point out specific episodes if that's what you're asking. My recollection was that some shows were great and others simply weren't, and I think that's more obvious to people like me who didn't binge stream it but watched it as each episode was released. With a week between episodes, the stinkers stood out more than they would if they were in the middle of a six hour view.
I mean, the last episode was a train wreck although I hesitate to say that for fear of starting another final episode war (which I won't respond to).
Go ahead and order the whole series. Like any show, there are peaks and valleys, but if you liked Season 1, the quality never dips enough where you'll lose interest.