Was Roger an ex-cop?

I saw during a plot summary of this film that Roger was an ex-cop, as well as being a drug dealer. I was just wondering, was this a fact? Was Roger, in fact, an ex-cop who obviously got caught being dirty and is now peddling dope for a living? I just never saw anything in the film that would obviously state that he was once in the LAPD at all.


Well Roger did elude to knowing Alonzo when hew was younger (a younger cop), comparing him to Jake as he is now. But as you said, nothing obviously stated...it would make sense however that Roger perhaps was an ex officer.
The liberal ideology despises self reliance, all you need is the government.


Actually how cool would it be if Roger had been Alonso's training officer back in the day, except unlike Jake he accepted that the T's can't always be crossed nor I's always dotted.

There's a moral to this story Del Boy but for the life of me I can't find it!


He was an ex-cop.

Those goddamn vampires want my


He's a security risk. Who's gonna
keep him off the radar if I'm
gone. You? I'm taxing him.

A beat. Stan acquiesces.

It's your call. Do not dick this
up. I do not want you on the
front page with the rest of
those *beep*

Here we learn that Roger is not only an ex-cop but he knows the inter workings and corruption of the LAPD and can snitch on the entire department. I think Alonzo was glad to kill him but his judgement is so warped that he's simply fueling the system.

He's the biggest major
violator in L.A. I've been watching
the *beep* operate with impunity
for ten years. Now I got him.



Great point. That fact that he says they want my pension proves it. He was probably allowed to retire with his pension and carte Blanche with his drug dealing in exchange for keeping his mouth shut. It would make a great prequel


I don't think Roger meant pension in it's regular meaning. I believe he meant it as the box full of cash dug up by Alonzo and his crew, which Roger earned selling dope.


I think he meant pension in the sense of retirement money. He was counting on that money to go to the Phillipine Islands.

The biggest hint that Roger was a ex-cop is the way he talks about how Jake reminds me of how Alonzo was at the start. Roger knows who the three wise men are, as well. Notice also he screams "Boom!" when Jake pretends to shoot, and Alonzo says "Boom" at the diner. I always thought the film implies that Jake was Alonzo's mentor


I guess there was nothing in the film to indicate for certain that Roger was NOT a police officer or other law enforcement official in his earlier life. I never got the sense that he WAS though. I did however get the sense that both he and Alonso were war veterans. When they are having a drink together they toast together saying 'Back to the World'. That phrase has been used by war veterans to express a desire to return home, especially during Vietnam. Aside from that interpretation, I have absolutely no idea what they would mean by 'Back to the World'. Any thoughts?


Roger was a cop.

I think Stan was referring to the LAPD Rampart Scandal when actual officers were arrested and booked in full uniform complete with badges.

Or he was referring to Roger

"Don't worry, we are just taxing and i promise, you don;t have to go back to prison.


I believe there was a deleted scene in which Alonzo told Jake about his days as a rookie cop, that his "good old boy" T.O told him how drug dealers trained their Doberman's to hate n*ggas. I always thought he was referring to Roger.


what i thought too.

didn't think he was a cop.

🎄Season's Greetings!🎄


It’s never said outright, so we don’t know. But I think he was a dirty cop

He had a lot knowledge about the workings of police (he knows the three wise men), and he keeps “track of all the good players.” He also seemed to go back with Alonzo, noting that Jake reminds him of Alonzo.

I always assume that Roger was to Alonzo what Alonzo is to Jake. Alonzo as a rookie probably worked under Roger, and Roger is the one who taught Alonzo everything, including the workings of a corrupt officer.
