MovieChat Forums > The Road to El Dorado (2000) Discussion > Who Do You Like Better Tulio or Miguel?

Who Do You Like Better Tulio or Miguel?

MIGUEL....he is so cute and funny :)
and i felt sorry for him becuase he didn't get with Chel :(


Me, I like Tulio the most but i also like Miguel as well.





Two because Kevin Kline voiced that role

I agree. Another reason TULIO is my favorite character (besides him being voiced by Kline!) is that he has THE FUNNIEST lines in the movie.

Personally, I just loved Kevin's delivery of the lines, and how "over-the-top" he was with his performance (which is understandable, since in animation "MORE is more," as opposed to live action where "LESS is more."). Also, I can tell listening to the dialogue that Kline must have had a "blast" during the recording sessions.

If you were to ask ME what are some of Kevin Kline's best performances on film, I would AUTOMATICALLY include The Road To El Dorado on that list, because even though it was an ANIMATED film (albeit one that flopped at the box office, and was panned by critics for the most part), AND it only featured Kline's VOICE, not his entire body, Kline still did an EXCEPTIONAL job making the character Tulio HILARIOUS, MEMORABLE, GOOFY, AND WONDERFULLY NEUROTIC AND CYNICAL. HONESTLY!

My favorite scene with Kevin is when his character Tulio is upset that Miguel kept THE MAP (as opposed to grabbing some food!) during their LONG, PERILOUS voyage to the island. I just loved how Kevin Kline delivered his lines in that scene (particularly "You STILL have THE MAP?!"). There is just something about his inflection, pitch, and emphasis of certain words that make the scene HILARIOUS:

(after Miguel looks at the eagle-shaped rock and realizes that it looks EXACTLY like the one on the map)
Miguel: Tulio! Tulio, we've done it!
Tulio: (points to the map Miguel is holding in his hands) What's that? The MAP?!
Miguel: It's all right here!
Tulio: You STILL have THE MAP?!
Miguel: (points to the "whistling rock" and then the "stream" like the ones on the map) The whistling rock! The stream!

BUT TO BE FAIR, Miguel does have his moments too - that line he says to Acolyte after all the smoke gets sucked back into the volcano (go with it! ), "Don't make me start it up again. Because I will," is HILARIOUS! In addition, there are two other scenes that I thought were just as funny as the former:

Miguel: (acting god-like) That's right. Do not question us. Or we will have to release our awesome and terrifying power. And you don't want that!
Tzekel-Kan: (enthusiastically) Why, yes, we do!
Miguel: (pauses in confusion) You do?

(after the ball-game.)
Tzekel-Kan: But all of the sacred writings say that you will devour the wicked and the unrighteous.
Miguel: Well, I don't see anyone here who fits that description.


Definitely Miguel. He was just such a sweet and nice character. In real life I would probably end up wanting to marry him. ;P He just had such a genuine heart.


I agree, Miguel is such a kind man. I love how he jumped immediately to the defense of the first man Tzekel-Kan wanted to have executed, and how adamant he was about insisting that there would be "no sacrifices." I also loved how he put together a mandolin and started entertaining children and street dwellers. Then again, Tulio was pretty adorable and it was nice to see the romance between he and Chel develop. I imagine Kevin Kline is a great deal like the character he voices.

Optimism: Waiting for a ship to come in when you haven't sent one out.


Tulio! I mean, I love them both, but Miguel never listens. He put his best friend in danger and doesn't think before he says/does anything.
Then again, Tulio is rather heartless and Miguel has enough heart for both of them.

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.


I liked them both. When I was little I liked Tulio more because I thought he was cute. I like Miguel more now that I'm older and understand the jokes. I miss the 90s!

I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass... and I'm all out of bubblegum. - They Live


They're both two of the best animated characters ever created, in my opinion. Even though I love both, my favourite has got to be Tulio. I could relate to his personality more.


I can't decide, both are amazing characters!


Miguel is hotter, but Tulio had funnier lines. :)

"Some things you see with your eyes, others you see with your heart"-(The Land Before Time)


Tulio - he's hot ;p

Vanessa Hudgens, please become my registered partner
