MovieChat Forums > Storm of the Century (1999) Discussion > What the hell is Linoge supposed to be?

What the hell is Linoge supposed to be?



He is a host (base) for a band of demons, sort of.


A Vampire.


I believe that all of King's nemeses have something to do with Randall Flagg.

I live in a glass house, ergo, I throw no stones.


It seemed pretty clear to me he is a minor demon-type. An elemental or immortal, kind of like a demigod. He has powers, lives long, but not forever. Add in his talent for deceit and trickery and he's a perfect fit as a demigod.

Loved this miniseries. Seriously underrated, and for me one of King's best works (printed or film). Feore and Daly were AMAZING.



None of that is correct. He clearly says that he isn't immortal, which discounts the idea that he's a demon or demigod since they are immortal. And you said he doesn't live forever after you suggest he's an immortal, suggesting you don't understand what the word immortal means.

Prof. Farnsworth: Oh. A lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!


I couldn't agree more on the second statement


Some people have a theory (which I personally like the best) that he is Randall Flagg in some other form.


I've read almost all of King's books and I think he definitely acts like Flagg. Appears out of nowhere, is omniscient, uses powerful magic...


A demon. Probably Legion, in one form. Legion, in the Bible, was a cluster of demons working as one. It's very likely another part or version of Legion is Randal Flagg, though they could very well just be similar types of demons (though Flagg seems to be a little more powerful).

Sidenote: Since this mini series has Biblical references, it's also worthy to note that there are several type of angels in the Bible (Archangels, Cherubim, Seraphim), so it's safe to assume demons also have a ranking. Moreover, demons are supposed to be fallen angels.


My brother says Linoge is a wizard and the cane was basically his staff. I agree somewhat with that idea, as he says he is not a god, nor immortal but has magic abilities, and is capable of living a very long life.



I'm with New Dawn mistake. He was a Wizard/Enchanter/Sorcerer/whathaveyou. He uses magic, wants an apprentice, has a staff/wand(the cane) and is even shown at the top of the light house like he was in a tower.


^^This. He was definetely Legion. The whispering were the demons within him doing his bidding. They alluded to this when Mike spelled his name out with the toy blocks.

L I N O G E= L E G I O N

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit' me!" Hudson in Aliens.


It's pretty obvious that King intended him to be Legion, since 'Linoge' is an anagram of 'Legion'.

Carpe Noctem!


Actually, Linoge's name is a rendering of the French word for snow, "la neige". Could King have changed it so it's also an anagram for Legion, absolutely, and probably. I'm certainly in the boat that Linoge was supposed to be a demon/dark entity, much as in most of King's other characters who were similar to Linoge. I do not think he was a Warlock or Wizard or anything else.


Not a Wizard, Wizard's are good. You probably mean a Warlock.


Wizards are inherently good? Where did you get a silly idea like that?

Hey wait
Great smile
Sensitive to faith, not denial
But hey whose on trial?


He was an American.
If this were evolving in any other country the men would torture him, maim him, pull out his teeth and carve out his reddish eyes with a pocket knife.
Then they might just shoot him at point blank just to have a look if he really can dodge bullets.
But in the land of the free, home of the brave, this scenario expressed in this flick seems quite all right.



my vote history:


He was definetely a host of demons. Look up Legion in the Bible, it's just like Mike said when he recited the scripture to Kirk Freeman.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit me!"- Hudson in Aliens.


Warlocks are simply male witches. There's no inherent difference between a warlock and a wizard. Your suggestion that wizards are good is not based on anything.

Prof. Farnsworth: Oh. A lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!


I think he's a "Shade". Sort of like what Durza is from the Inheritance books. Andre Linoge must have been some kind of sorcerer very long ago according to him, and probably did the same thing Durza did by summoning many demons to serve him and do his bidding but then latter on they overpowered him and in turn ended up possessing him and turning him into a Shade: which is a sorcerer possessed in mind and body by many evil spirits. Hence, giving him the literal title of "Legion".



We don't know. It's never made clear. He's just one of many supernatural entities in the Steven King multiverse.

Prof. Farnsworth: Oh. A lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!


