MovieChat Forums > Notting Hill (1999) Discussion > Great film but totally unrealistic

Great film but totally unrealistic

this would never ever happen in real life


My suspension of disbelief was stretched a bit in how these two were able to meet up so easily, and walk around in public without anyone noticing her. That's the equivalent of going in a date with Angelina Jolie in a busy city and not a single person recognizing her. The press would be all over that!

~ I'm a 21st century man and I don't wanna be here.


See I don't know who Angelina Jolie is - maybe only in america are people obsessed with "stars" and also as you saw several people did recognise her [eg Hugh himself] but as good reserved Brit folk made nothing of it.


Are you sure? All those tabloids in Britian like The Sun, The Mirror, Or The Star, constantly being printed with scandalous stories of celebs. Someone must be buying them.

I just think the movie missed out on some conflict or tension with Anna not wanting to be recognized in public with another man who is not her boyfriend. It's strange that she would be so careful about not tipping off the press when she was at Will's house, but has no problem going out to eat with him at fancy restaurants and movie theaters, basically having a conspicuous affair for all the world to see. It just doesn't seem like realistic character behavior.

And sure there are reserved people out there, but there are also more star struck ones that want to talk to celebrities, like Will's sister, and go up asking for autographs. It really only happened once in the book store, but we never see Anna really being bothered in public.

~ I'm a 21st century man and I don't wanna be here.


The bloke working in bookstore thought she was Demi Jollie - nuf said


Well he is a bit of an ass.

~ I'm a 21st century man and I don't wanna be here.


Yes, but he and Winnie the Poo man ARE so typical British and it is probably easy for me as an Oz but having lived both in UK and USA to see these big differences in personality types.


That's why it's called a romantic comedy, instead of being called a documentary about relationships between multi-millionaire film stars and owners of failing book stores.
