THIS is Why you can't find or rent it on DVD
Just so everybody who gets online, whether it be this site, or any dvd rental or seller site and can't find Thursday and is like, What the F&@!, here's the business side.
OK, Thursday was produced and distributed by Polygram entertainment. Literally, a few months after Thursday was released on DVD for sale, Polygram went bankrupt. Out of Business -- whatever you'd like to call a production studio that doesn't make enough films that do well at the box office.
I'm absolutely not being critical, Polygram did some edgy stuff and I LOVE Thursday also.
Thusly, due to the timing of Polygram ceasing to exist , DVD production was stopped. Rumor is there are only about 1,000 copies available in the original English/USA released version.
And, yes, I do have one. There is no extra material on it. I found it by complete luck and persistence. A seller about 4 years ago had a copy on ebay. Offered him 40 bucks, got him to close his auction, and since the current bid on it was about 20 dollars at the time, he immediately obliged. I literally know people who have offered/payed upwards of 100 dollars for a copy of this hard to find dvd.
Anyway, now you know. Happy viewing.
May the bridges i have burned light the way