In America alone, 68.3% of all high school seniors have engaged in sexual intercourse, contributing to over 1.5 million abortions per year. Why do so many girls go through with it? Mostly, it's because nobody is getting the brutal truth about the abortion industry into their hands. They aren't learning facts like:

Abortions are a billion dollar business.
It's a living baby, not a blob.
You may never be able to get pregnant again after having an abortion.
Parents!… Pastors!… Youth workers!… We MUST get these facts into the hands of teenage girls before they and their unborn babies become the next victims of the money-hungry abortion industry.



"Abortions are a billion dollar business."

If abortions were banned, then they really would be a billion dollar business. It would just be underground. Countries which have banned abortions do not have lower abortion rates than in countries where it's legal. Illegalizing it would do nothing except make it incredibly unsafe. Of course wealthy women would still be able to have safe "black market" abortions so it would just be the poor who would suffer.


I am not going to discuss the money aspects that others have brought up, but I am going to discuss how DISGUSTED I am over the fact that several on here have said that a baby is not a baby until it is born. I have two little girls and both of them showed personality traits during early ultrasounds. My oldest sucked her thumb quite often, and showed frustration when she could not get her foot in her mouth. My youngest would start "dancing" whenever they was music playing - SHE STILL DOES THIS AT ONE YEAR OLD. And when I or my doctor would press on my stomach to feel where she was, SHE WOULD KICK BACK. We would see this during her ultrasounds, she would kick at the scanner.
These babies ARE babies, not fetus' and while I know I won't be able to change the people's minds that don't agree with me, I actually have sympathy for you, God help you, because one day those who have committed these murders will be punished. I guarantee you that the Lord who sends these babies, these gifts, who calls them His children will avenge them.


I respect your beliefs but please understand that not everyone is a Christian, so preaching your religion is not going to further your argument. I assume you believe life begins at conception. This means taking a birth control pill would in fact be murder. I doubt even the majority of conservatives would be willing to give up the pill. People like to have sex for reasons other than procreation and that's never going to change.


2. Baby not a blob?
It's basically a parasite that feeds off the woman's placenta.


Don't get me wrong, I am pro-choice, but this is exactly the problem so many people have with pro-choice propaganda. Regardless of your stance on abortion, we all need to agree that abortion is a TRAGEDY. It is wrong to justify it by cheapening and depersonalizing the fetus.

I understand what you are trying to say, but if you want to be a bit more effective when trying to make your point about abortion, then read this:

It is an article written by third wave feminist and American writer Naomi Wolf, called "Our Bodies, Our Souls: Rethinking Pro-Choice Rhetoric"

I think it's an article that everyone can find truth in, no matter what side of the abortion debate you're on. If, in your life, your goal is to find TRUTH, and to be open-minded, instead of accepting and adopting all the propaganda of one side of a debate or the other, then I urge you to read it, NO MATTER WHICH SIDE YOU'RE ON.



Listen up, little baby - your mommy is a "failure," so we figured it best to just kill you - makes perfect sense, right? You don't mind, do you? Nah, you don't mind.

The scene that irritated me the most was when Candy is being wheeled out and is saying, "I want to have children some day," and the nurse is saying, "oh, you will - you'll have lots of babies!" This is the movie producers trying to say, "see, Candy doesn't hate babies, she just doesn't want to deal right now!" I'd love to see the scene in a few years when she is trying to conceive but can't because of her "safe" abortion. Hollywood won't show you THAT! After all, that might put a crimp in the huge cash-flow the abortion industry rakes in every year! That'd be a shame if an abortion doctor had to sell one of his five homes!



What blows my mind is the Planet Earth is going through a major over population crisis. We have trouble providing food/feeding the world population already, yet people are complaining about the abortions that are occurring on an already overburdened Earth?

Here are some FACTS. In 400 years we will be arm to arm with the rest of the world. And in 50 years we will hit a plateau and the population will be decreasing globally due to starvation and the lack of other natural resources. So what does that mean? Any family who is having more than 2 are a problem.

The rest are my opinions,

My point? Worry about bigger issues than abortion, such as feeding the massive human population we already have.

Don't get me wrong children are amazing. But to think we are something special that was placed on this earth is naive. We are comprised of the same carbon based cells that make up every other life form on this planet. The only reason we are top dog with a higher learning process is that we developed different.

God might have had hand in this, then again maybe not, that is something I am still searching for myself.

But no one....NO ONE, has the right to take away my choice if I want a child or not. The only other person that matters in the decision is my significant other. The person who doesn't have a choice in the decision is everyone else.

Finally....being a child of parents who made a 'choice' to have me. I take pride and solid knowledge that parents wanted to have me. I can only imagine what would happen, or how a child would be feeling when they found out their parent only gave birth to them because they had to. My sister had an unexpected pregnancy, and that child will also grow up knowing its parents decided to have the child.

Now something for you 'pro-life' supporters to think about. If the US passed laws that announced it was a pro-life nation, then our social service programs were overburdened with unwanted children, would you step up and adopt these kids? If so I can respect some of you then, you would be willing to step up to the rhetoric you are preaching. To those who would be unsure or say no to that question, shut the hell up. Because clearly you are enforcing your ideals without providing any secondary options or solutions.

I would also expect any pro-life individuals to have already adopted a child already, cause according to you life is precious in no matter what form.


What about in cases such as this movie, where incest is involved? Should the girl be expected to carry their father's baby? Sure she could give it up for adoption, but it will have congenital abnormalities. Plus the girl will live with much worse trama than if the problem is removed.


This thread is a joke. Do any of you really believe that somebody is going to change their mind on a topic as critical as abortion as a result of somebody’s arguments in a blog? I read these threads for pure amusement as I find it entertaining to read the back-and-forth ranting that serves no purpose whatsoever. What is my opinion on abortion? None of your business.


Yes, PLEASE get the truth; the statements in your post are incorrect - Billions may be being spent on abortions (?) but I haven't heard of ANYONE who is making a lot of money from abortions - in fact most abortion providers are usually non-profit groups and many doctors are providing pro bono work. Doctors who DELIVER babies are making far more. (Far better to let teens fall victim to the money-hungry obstetrics industry???)
Also, a safe, early term abortion carrries fewer risks for a teen than carrying a baby to term, and does not affect later fertility.

Where are the teenaged BOYS in your efforts??


I lean towards Pro-choice, but also believe that abortion should not be used as a form of birth control. I also know that human reproduction is a complicated issue that impacts more than our own personal, political or religious beliefs. Human life is precious, but this planet is also becoming increasing overpopulated, and at an exponential rate. It took 1000 years to reach 275 Million people, another 800 years to reach the first 1 Billion, only 120 more years to double the population to 2 Billion, and only 50 more years to double it again to 4 Billion. The projected world population is 9 Billion by the year 2050. The strain on this planets resources, not to mention environmental damage from higher concentrations of people cannot be avoided indefinitely.
