When will PC die out?

Will it last 6 years, or are we doomed?


political correctness, according to last season, is a good sweet package that corporate tries to sell us to make money so i doubt anytime soon. look up the wisecrack edition philosophy of south park on youtube


When people stop giving it power

If someone hates you for no reason, give that jerk a reason :)


When will PC die out?

When most people feel they have an equal level of respect. The term "politically correct" exists because in the past it has been OK to openly disrespect groups of people you didn't like (assuming you were part of the group in control).

In regards to "PC" movie and TV show casting, that's largely just the studios trying to put new spins on old properties. They have rebooted several movies retaining the original race of the characters like Point Break, Psycho, Swept Away, The Wicker Man, Ben Hur, Bad News Bears, Arthur, Robocop, Planet of the Apes (2001), The A-Team and so many others, most bad and most flopping, but it's making a female Ghostbusters that gets certain people riled up because gender and race swapping characters is psychologically threatening to the people whose race or gender is being swapped out.

Even if it's just two or three movies out of 200 a year, it's still a very real threat that scares these people to death. People say and do irrational things when they're scared and they tend to be easier to manipulate.

Revenge is the most important meal of the day.


PC doesn't die out, It wins so it stops being an issue. PC comes in waves because different generations have a different opinion on what is chill, PC waves are kind of a vehicle for cultural evolution. Similar waves have removed the N word from being acceptable, This wave is going to remove casual pejoratives of the LGBT community and to a lesser degree casual sexism.

I mean what is PC if not social gentrification.


People upset over "PC culture" just want to be able to say the n word again.

Text is cheap.


Nope, It is killing comedy, that's the problem. And making people weak. People need to grow some balls and stop beeing so offended. There is for example a fine line between comedy and rasism that the pc-police can't see. It makes them look dumb, humourless and boring. And they have to lucture you, almost to the degree of bullying. They have found a loophole of how to be ab *beep* and still be "right".


Tosh.0 loves saying stuff that's not PC. Anyone watch that show?

37 days until the Dead rise


Hopefully sooner rather than later.


PC will never die, social media will continue blacklisting and doxxing anyone that goes against the grain.
