I like the "it's traditional" argument, but there's bad acting that somehow works, and there's bad acting that makes the viewer want to be somewhere else. I can't say that any of the major performances in the original films are great, but Mark Hammill's youthful innocence and Carrie Fisher's intelligence make the characters believable and relatable, even though they are given so many these over-the-top abilities that the characters could easily have fallen flat. (As I said on another thread, imagine Farrah Fawcett as Leia!)
Portman and Christiansen, on the other hand, totally fail to recapture that sort of magic, it's bad acting that doesn't work. Their characters aren't particularly likeable or sympathetic, and it's really hard to believe that these shallow nitwits actually have the abilities ascribed to them. Sure, other people can say that young Anakin is the most powerful Force user of his era, but it he impressive? Ever? No! Do I like him, or even feel sorry for him when he starts whining? No, he's too busy feeling sorry for himself.
BTW, I have heard that Lucas is known as "the worst actors' director alive". I don't blame Christiansen and Portman, they were just kids when these films were made, and got no help from their director.
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